Modelling > Red Star Soviet GB

Правила и положения (Rules and Regulations)

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Товарищи! Члены этой самой великолепной коллективной модели!

Добро пожаловать в 2017 году Советская Группа Красной Звезды.

Comrades! Members of this most glorious model collective! Welcome to the 2017 Red Star Soviet Group Build!

For the next two months we shall all strive together in solidarity to produce the most glorious models of the Soviet Union and our socialist allies that ever (or never, as the case may be) kept at bay the howling hordes of Yankee running dogs and their western lackeys. The Red Star should be a prominent feature of your creation, in order to strike awe and fear in those that see our mighty forces, ready to defend the motherland at a moment's notice!

The underlying idea, as I see it, is for this group build to flesh out an alternate or extended timeline for the Soviet Union. Any vehicle; air, sea, space, land is eligible as long as it is marked, painted, armed, etc... in the style of the Soviet Union or her satellite nations. It could be as simple as an F-16 or Eurofighter in Voyska PVO service or a Nimitz analogue Soviet super carrier with a full compliment of Sea Flankers or it could be as complex as your imagination can make it. Russian space shuttle armed with anti-satellite weapons? Sure! Soviet Stealth Bomber? Why not? It could also be a "Boeingski 767" in Aeroflot livery for those non-militarily inclined.

Правила и положения (Rules and Regulations):


2. Any and all mediums are welcome -physical models, pixels/profiles and stories.

3. Duration will be from 1 April 2017 to 31 May 2017. An extension may be granted if the Party Membership needs it in order to complete their superior designs and construction in order to shame the running dog imperialists of the West.

4. Creativity and collaboration are encouraged.

5. Any questions are to be directed to the Moderator (your humble servant of the people, Comrade LemonJello)

6. Polling of the membership at the conclusion of the Group Build will determine who gets to bask in the appreciation of the Whiffing Proletariat .

7. Most importantly, if all else fails, see Rule #1

Для Родины!

COMRADE! How would the Collective feel about started projects - is there a limit to how much has been done? I have something in mind which was started for a similar GB some time ago, basic airframe construction is complete but there's a lot of PSR to be done.

The Big Gimper:

--- Quote from: KiwiZac on March 30, 2017, 03:25:44 AM ---COMRADE! How would the Collective feel about started projects - is there a limit to how much has been done? I have something in mind which was started for a similar GB some time ago, basic airframe construction is complete but there's a lot of PSR to be done.

--- End quote ---

+1 .

I have 1/3 completed Be-13 like project.

Спасибо, мой брат-водка
(Spasibo, moy brat-vodka)

Comrades, please note the actual start date!

It is good to see such revolutionary fervor before the official start of our glorious march to the future of socialist progress!

To answer your question: On 1 April, when we start our struggle against the forces of corrupt capitalist war mongers, any project that has been started, but is less than half done ( there needs to be more involved than paint/markings, a significant portion of the assembly must remain undone) will be accepted for entry to this Group Build.

For the Motherland! For Victory!


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