Author Topic: Punisher  (Read 11326 times)

Offline Goonie

  • When the guy does a red tank, he does a RED tank!
« on: October 05, 2015, 02:32:46 AM »
Some time ago I've received as a gift from Artoor (with information to do something with that 8) ) a 1/32 Lindbergs Gee-Bee Air Racer. Inside the box were also some unnecessary parts from few models, including additional armament from WH40K Stormlord :D . Sooo... I thought - why not combine it together, especially that Gee-Bee is already a little bit grotesque and create a COIN aircraft for Ultramarines ;D

below are some pictures of Gee-Bee and other donors:
sci-fi - the best legal antidote for reality

Offline Goonie

  • When the guy does a red tank, he does a RED tank!
Re: Punisher
« Reply #1 on: October 07, 2015, 02:48:22 AM »
Finally got some spare time so I've made a few photos of initially putted together components.
There are still a lot of modifications ahead but that's gonna be general layout of that monster ;)
Next I'm planning to build a retractable landing gear (sorry, there will be no spats), add some air intakes and new exhaust ports to engine, add some details to vertical stabilizer and finally change fuselage to look more like heavy armored airplane  8)
sci-fi - the best legal antidote for reality

Offline Tophe

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Re: Punisher
« Reply #2 on: October 07, 2015, 12:20:53 PM »
I love the silhouette of this Gee Bee with a huge spinner! :-* I may draw such a P-38, I will see.
(no need to cool down the radial engine, hey: this is a desk model, not a flying machine...) ;)

Offline Goonie

  • When the guy does a red tank, he does a RED tank!
Re: Punisher
« Reply #3 on: October 07, 2015, 04:13:25 PM »
I love the silhouette of this Gee Bee with a huge spinner! :-* I may draw such a P-38, I will see.
(no need to cool down the radial engine, hey: this is a desk model, not a flying machine...) ;)

Hey, who said that it's going to be a radial engine any more?  ;) Plus the more plausible construction the better the result (of course if we can still speak of any kind of plausibility in case of WH40K ;D )
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Offline Tophe

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Re: Punisher
« Reply #4 on: October 07, 2015, 06:54:18 PM »
Plus the more plausible construction the better the result
I prefer free fun, but do as you prefer ;)

I may draw such a P-38, I will see.
The GBR-38A to D Geebeening and Twin-Geebeening have come to life thanks to you! Thanks Goonie!

Offline Goonie

  • When the guy does a red tank, he does a RED tank!
Re: Punisher
« Reply #5 on: October 07, 2015, 08:05:06 PM »
Plus the more plausible construction the better the result
I prefer free fun, but do as you prefer ;)
I know it might sound a bit masochistic, but all that little or big modification made to model combined with final result are definition of fun for me (minus the paint shop, that's always spoils the fun a bit)  8)

The GBR-38A to D Geebeening and Twin-Geebeening have come to life thanks to you! Thanks Goonie!
Well I'm touched  ;D
That Lightning like Gee Bee looks very promising, who knows what would happen if i ocasionaly bought another two Gee Bees...  :D
sci-fi - the best legal antidote for reality

Offline Goonie

  • When the guy does a red tank, he does a RED tank!
Re: Punisher
« Reply #6 on: October 30, 2015, 02:18:23 AM »
Well it's high time for some progress update, so here is what has been done since the previous one.
Mainly  I've concentrated on relocating that wing mounted machine guns in direction towards the end of the wing (originally their barrels were pointing throught the propeller blades, which was strange, even for WH 40K standards). Next I've cut out a compartment in underbelly for mount of anti guerilla, double gatling-like cannon:

gatling-like underbelly cannon:

Next thing that was modified were those strange looking additional quadruple guns.
Lately I've heard from Artoor that those are flamethrowers so they started to look way to awkward under the wings so I've decided to cut out the original barrels and glued there some antena conector endings and now they pretend to be a plasma cannons  8)

Finally I've also finished the propeller by adding some blade covers (cut from 0.3 mm styrene), started to build a exhaust manifold (some ethernet cable insulation + parts from 1/72 Mi-24 Hind exhaust) and add some additional armour to upper part of fuselage (0,3 mm styrene):

as a teaser for Next update let me show you an additional parts that have finally arrived :D :

Thank's for watching!
« Last Edit: October 30, 2015, 02:20:37 AM by Goonie »
sci-fi - the best legal antidote for reality

Offline finsrin

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Re: Punisher
« Reply #7 on: October 30, 2015, 07:28:01 AM »
Knew the Gee-Bee had something of this nature lurking in its styrene genes.
This build releases those genes and adds steroids. :-*

Offline Tophe

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Re: Punisher
« Reply #8 on: October 30, 2015, 01:24:15 PM »
1960s MiG-19 1/48th parts for a 1930s Gee Bee 1/32 basis? The delirium nicely goes on, thanks for sharing ;)

Offline Goonie

  • When the guy does a red tank, he does a RED tank!
Re: Punisher
« Reply #9 on: October 30, 2015, 06:37:52 PM »
Thank's for comments :)
If all goes as it is planned, tommorow should be another update 8)
sci-fi - the best legal antidote for reality

Offline Goonie

  • When the guy does a red tank, he does a RED tank!
Re: Punisher
« Reply #10 on: November 04, 2015, 04:04:23 AM »
Ok, haven't finished everything what I want to put in this update but still there is some progress to show.
Mainly I have added gun barrels and pitot tube from, mentioned in previous post, Mig along with new air intake from F-16 (both in 1/48 scale).
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Offline Old Wombat

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Re: Punisher
« Reply #11 on: November 09, 2015, 10:02:43 AM »
That's looking pretty damned cool! 8)
"This is the Captain. We have a little problem with our engine sequence, so we may experience some slight turbulence and, ah, explode."

Offline Goonie

  • When the guy does a red tank, he does a RED tank!
Re: Punisher
« Reply #12 on: December 02, 2015, 06:55:51 AM »
Up until testerday afternoon I thought that finishing these model would be a fast and easy job, but it turned out that marine in typical WH40K power armour as a pilot is just to wide in shoulders to mount him inside original cockpit space...

But first, before the pilot figure assembly began, I've finished sanding the air intake:

Next step was putting togeather pilot figure and finding new canopy that fits to it's size:

^ pilot, an orgiginal wind screen and spare canopy from 1/72 Ju-52 that is big enought for pilot figure (at the moment it's undergoing severe sanding to smoothen sharp lines between the windows)

Finally I was forced by size of pilot figure to move whole cockpit to the more central localization, remade aft vertical stabilazer and add some hump between new canopy and aft section of plane. At the moment it looks preety horrible but after another few rounds of putty-fu and sanding it should looks way better.
Beside that I've also modified nose cannons and remade (another time) the ehaust

Next update should be soon...
sci-fi - the best legal antidote for reality

Offline Tophe

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Re: Punisher
« Reply #13 on: December 03, 2015, 03:00:26 AM »
Good! Go on! ;)

Offline Goonie

  • When the guy does a red tank, he does a RED tank!
Re: Punisher
« Reply #14 on: December 07, 2015, 07:14:29 AM »
Doing my best Tophe ;)

Sorry for today's update photos quality, I was forced to use my cell phone to make them.
First I've finished the cockpit interior and pilot figure:

As a curiosity, decal placed on left shoulder guard (that with a skull) cames from Starcraft Marine ;)

Next step consists of mounting the cockpit to interior of plane and deal with canvas like sheathing (with putty in large amount):

Next update will be avaliable tommorow but I think that even with granted extension this project will finally land in Clear Your Workbench GB (still have to paint it and scratchbuild landing gear compartments), but I'll try to do as much as I can in avaliable time.
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Offline Buzzbomb

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Re: Punisher
« Reply #15 on: December 07, 2015, 09:38:57 AM »
There is so much right around putting that build in the WH Genre... nice work. Really nice work

Offline Goonie

  • When the guy does a red tank, he does a RED tank!
Re: Punisher
« Reply #16 on: December 08, 2015, 08:11:25 AM »
Thank's buzzbomb it's good to hear  :)

I guess that's gonna be finall progress update in this GB, but I'm gonna finish it anyway in CYW 2015, so expect updates in appropriate thread.

So today I've spent almost all day on sanding a new, extended flaps (majority of time) and on some small, but also time eating modifications and details (like another round of putty-fu).

flaps and slightly modified belly cannon:

overall look of airplane with new flaps:

finall photo of what is done:

and what I still plan to do:
- landing gear compartments,
- dividing lines
- canopy
- cammo

Anyway thank's for watching, comments and extension of GB - without all of it, this build wouldn't go that far :)
sci-fi - the best legal antidote for reality

Offline finsrin

  • The Dr Frankenstein of the modelling world...when not hiding from SBA
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Re: Punisher
« Reply #17 on: December 08, 2015, 08:21:18 AM »
Sooo bad :-*

Offline Tophe

  • He sees things in double...
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Re: Punisher
« Reply #18 on: December 08, 2015, 12:07:47 PM »
Having the canopy on will be nice, providing with the final look (colors don't touch me, but shapes) :)