Modelling > Group and Themed Builds

Ideas and Suggestions for GBs/Themed Builds

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That was a good movie! Dejah Thoris was dressed, but it was a Disney movie after all.

Mig Eater:
The Swedish GB gets my vote, I have an idea for an anti-aircraft crane...

AUKUS through the ages or in different times.  The idea being to have US/UK/Australian platforms from different eras in each other's service/markings.  For example RAF/RAAF B-29s in the 1940s - and before any smartarse jumps in, the RAF Washington B.1s served from March 1950 until early 1954:

Another might be RAF/RAAF B-47s or USAF Gloster Meteors or Dh Vampires.  Perhaps a nuclear powered CVA-01 or even RN/RAN Enterprise or Nimitz class CVNs?

British Commonwealth GB


--- Quote from: GTX_Admin on September 30, 2023, 01:34:14 AM --- For example RAF/RAAF B-29s in the 1940s - and before any smartarse jumps in, the RAF Washington B.1s served from March 1950 until early 1954:

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Slightly off topic... to bookend the above photo of the Washington in Australia
Here is how they ended up.. being scrapped at Tocumwal Aircraft Recovery Area

Image courtesy of a Junk Shop book pickup, Pots, Pans and Meteors about the RAAF Aircraft being scrapped at Tocumwal in the 1960's

--- Quote from: GTX_Admin on September 30, 2023, 01:34:14 AM ---Perhaps a nuclear powered CVA-01 or even RN/RAN Enterprise or Nimitz class CVNs?

--- End quote ---

Did I read somewhere about RAN interest in the USS Forrestal ?


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