>In 1941, the Focke-Wulf Fw 200 Condor was joined in the anti-shipping role by the He-211 "Albatros":<
Possibly refering to my "He-211 Albatros" from way back??
This beast was made from TWO He-111Z models to get the straight wing/engine sections, an Airmodel vac-formed early nose and wingtips, and an Airfix top turret. She carries two torpedoes. *MY* story goes that a kette of Albatros' met the wounded Bismarck way out at sea, drove off the Ark Royal's Swordfish (acting as long-range fighters), and put torpedoes into KGV and Rodney, allowing the Biz to escape destruction and return to Brest.
I have a plan to "Phoenix" this model, using a Lindberg (1/64 approx) He-111 for a larger and longer fuselage than the "standard" He-111. I may decline the re-build, as this Albatros is one of my all-time favorite models (and that of my "fans").