Author Topic: Baseball?!! What do Pirates have to do with Baseball?!!!  (Read 4847 times)

Offline Brian da Basher

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Baseball?!! What do Pirates have to do with Baseball?!!!
« on: September 18, 2012, 05:59:50 AM »
Yarrr mateys! On Saturday last, I be choosin' me scurvy victim and be gettin' to carvin' with me sharp cutlass! Yarrr!!!

Avast ye scurvy dogs! Hearts be a'tremble with fear for my flag!

Yarr! Now to go raidin' the National League! Yarrr!

Brian da Bluebeard Basher
« Last Edit: September 18, 2012, 06:03:15 AM by Brian da Basher »

Offline Brian da Basher

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Re: Baseball?!! What do Pirates have to do with Baseball?!!!
« Reply #1 on: September 18, 2012, 06:02:53 AM »
There were few bright spots for baseball fans in Pittsburgh in the 1930s. The home-town team, the Pittburgh Pirates (so named back at the turn of the century for stealing players from other teams) would spend that decade and two more as perennial losers, the National League Pennant only a dream.

One of the few colorful Pirates of this era was "Cap'n" Patch L. Sage. He may have worn an eyepatch and had a strange turn of phrase (his favorite being "Avast ye swabbies! We be wipin' th' deck w'the scurvy dogs!") but his pitching was unhittable and he became the team's star relief pitcher and captain.

Wearing #3, he turned many a loss into a win in the late innings and was beloved by fans and sports writers alike. He was always "good copy" and became known for wise sayings such as "Don't look too far ahead, someone might've passed you right on by."

Patch L. Sage was also one of the most highly paid ballplayers of the day and this allowed him to travel in grand style. While his team-mates were relegated to trains and busses, he flew to games in his custom DeHavilland "Triple Play" tri-motor (he wanted an engine for each out) adorned with Pittsburgh Pirates logos and his number 3.

Avast! There be more, mateys!

Brian da Bluebeard Basher
« Last Edit: September 18, 2012, 07:05:06 AM by Brian da Basher »

Offline Brian da Basher

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Re: Baseball?!! What do Pirates have to do with Baseball?!!!
« Reply #2 on: September 18, 2012, 06:05:42 AM »
When asked about his legacy shortly before retiring at the end of the 1940 season, "Cap'n" Patch L. Sage said he thought that question was like putting fences around cemeteries: "No one wants to go there and we sure hope no one already there's a-gettin' out!"

Unfortunately, despite Patch L. Page's efforts, his team never placed better than third and the old Pirate passed away in 1975. His famous airplane "The Triple Play" had been scrapped years before. Now all that remains is this vintage children's toy found at a yard sale on the North Side.

Yarrr there be yet even more!

Brian da Bluebeard Basher
« Last Edit: September 18, 2012, 07:11:55 AM by Brian da Basher »

Offline Brian da Basher

  • He has an unnatural attraction to Spats...and a growing fascination with airships!
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  • Hulk smash, Brian bash
Re: Baseball?!! What do Pirates have to do with Baseball?!!!
« Reply #3 on: September 18, 2012, 06:12:03 AM »
Yarrr! I hope ye be findin' this little treasure a treat for yer eyes, swabbies!

The blood-curdlin' tail markings be fancy decals for ladies fingertips they be tellin' me! How could such a fearsome thing be fit for any lady?!!!

Yarr! Ye bold PIRATES markings be "temporary" tattoos made for wee landlubbers yet!

I must be hard at me rum to hear such tall tales! Fer markins such as these are sure to turn ye pale with fright!

Yarrr! I be having more fun with ye scurvy lot than in any dockside tavern where the rum be flowin' like the bounding main! Yarrr!

Brian da Bluebeard Basher
« Last Edit: September 18, 2012, 06:58:45 AM by Brian da Basher »