Modelling > In the Service of Her Majesty GB

Colours of the Queen's Flight


The Big Gimper:
I want to paint my aircraft in the same Red and Blue scheme as once used by the Royal Flight.

Research seems to indicate the red is a very close match to Humbrol's Hu 174 Gloss Signal Red. Blue appears to be a standard dark blue.

The Gloss Signal Red maybe also used by the British Antarctic Survey aircraft (ref: posts by kitnut617 and JCF).

Comments and thoughts?

I would have thought that the colours used were the standard red and blue roundels colours, at least that's what they look like to me . . .


The Big Gimper:
The "red" has strong orange component to it.

Found this handy reference:

Looks like Hu 174 is good enough for government work.

The Big Gimper:

 A little research tells me that BS.381C: 537 Signal Red is 'Red Arrows' red, which is lighter and brighter than 'Roundel Red', and that's also probably why the blue, which I'm assuming is the standard 'Roundel Blue', appears darker in contrast to it . . .



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