Author Topic: SBP Renegades  (Read 14565 times)

Offline DFZ

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SBP Renegades
« on: December 10, 2015, 10:17:46 AM »
Hi guys, this is my first entry in a Whif GB...Lately, i've been caught up in a couple of real world builds, 2 PoAF F-16s, i'm also supposed to finish those, the GB in which i've entered them, is ending on the 31st of the current month...
I started the chosen victim for this GB, in my first month back in the hobby, around September/October 2013, and it's been dragged out and thrown back into my SBP (Stalled Builds Pile) too many times, for over 2 years now...  :-[
I started the build thread almost a year after the beginning of the build, when i found,39268.msg649051.html#msg649051
As you can see, i'm a very slow builder so i'm not expecting to totally clear the bench but, any progress will help and this GB is just the thing to get me back on track with my whifs... ;)
This is the state of things on my bench...

In the pic you can see the 2 real world PoAF F-16s, and the rest of the bunch, which are to be finished as whifs.
The F-16W is the twin tail in the foreground, that's what i'll be trying to finish. Then, there's the P-47D for my alternative history's PoAF fighting in WW2, Me-262 and F-15CSE which are also close to finishing... if i manage to get one done in time, maybe i'll have a few days left to deal with another one, before the GB ends. I'm not counting the gray Spitfire on the left, that's my paint job guinea pig...  ;D That's not the whole SBP, but that's what's closer to getting finished...
Not much left to do on the -16, finish inscribing the flaps and a few other panel lines on the wings and top fuselage, glue the pylons, the LAU-129s on the wingtips and a few small bits... and i still have to decide what scheme and markings to use.
With some luck, tomorrow i'll have some time for modeling, let's see if i can get the rest of the panel lines done without screwing up...

Hasta la Pasta, brodas... 8)
"Stick and stones may brake some bones but a 3,57's gonna blow your damn head off!"

Offline finsrin

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Re: SBP Renegades
« Reply #1 on: December 10, 2015, 02:42:05 PM »
Super bench picture :)
All is looking well.

Offline DFZ

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Re: SBP Renegades
« Reply #2 on: December 11, 2015, 02:51:53 AM »
Thanks, finsrin! It is a bit messy in the pic, but once a week i get it organized so i can keep on working, it just ends up like that after a day or 2... ;D
Just got home from work, had a shower and a snack, now it's time to sit on the bench... :icon_meditation:
"Stick and stones may brake some bones but a 3,57's gonna blow your damn head off!"

Offline ysi_maniac

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Re: SBP Renegades
« Reply #3 on: December 11, 2015, 08:40:24 AM »
Love particularly F-16W and F-15CSE :) :-* :icon_alabanza:

Offline Tophe

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Re: SBP Renegades
« Reply #4 on: December 11, 2015, 10:24:10 AM »

Offline DFZ

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Re: SBP Renegades
« Reply #5 on: December 11, 2015, 12:55:50 PM »
AH, just noticed my mistake in the earlier post, i wrote i was going to sit ON the bench, not AT the bench...  :D Probably not a good idea to do that...
Thanks, guys! Glad you like them, the F-16W was my first what-if attempt, i started it with putty wings... but obviously, those didn't work so out came the old CD plastic case... ;D
Well, i didn't do much on it but did get to sand the left wing root and inscribe the flap line. I'm not a big fan of inscribing panel lines so i'll keep it simple. I've also been thinking about painting it similar to this one:
Just maybe a bit more to a blueish tone, and a darker gray on the radome. I've also been thinking of testing a camo like the one used by the JASDF F-2,,_-5_Feb._2009_a.jpg
But using metallic colors instead, maybe use a dark, metallic gray instead of the lighter blue. I think it could give it a modern look and i imagine it could be feasible for a country like Portugal, which has a considerable area of territorial waters to patrol. Still, it would stand out from the mainland's green and brown colors... also, i'm not sure if wanna finish this in PoAF markings, but still a lot to be done before that, so i'll have time to choose once the rough work is done.
Maybe the weekend will be more productive...

"Stick and stones may brake some bones but a 3,57's gonna blow your damn head off!"

Offline DFZ

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Re: SBP Renegades
« Reply #6 on: December 14, 2015, 06:56:11 AM »
Well, not much progress here but i'm calling the F-16W ready for paint. Besides the countless PSR hours done on the DSI intake, i've spent even more time sanding the putty wings until they completely shattered when i dropped the model, just over a year ago. Then when i got the new wings on, the left horizontal stab kept cracking up it's putty layer and, even last night when i was sanding it for the 100th time, it cracked again... but luckily, not as much a it used to so a little putty over that and sanded it down in 30 minutes time. After that, glued the LAU-129s on the wingtips.

I've always looked at this as a "Kamikaze" type  build, just to see if i could, at least, come close to the design i imagined, so i won't try any fancy panel lines on the wings, i just wanna get this done before anything else bad happens, and move on to a better built version of this one, with the landing gear bays and wheels down. I already have all the parts needed, including wings with engraved panel lines, but i wanna get some more experience and improve my skills so i can do a better job next time. Also considering the idea of putting twin engines on it... ;)
Not very different from the other pic but this is how the F-16W looks at the moment...

Now, on to the paint shop!! 

DogFighter Zen over and out 8)
"Stick and stones may brake some bones but a 3,57's gonna blow your damn head off!"

Offline Tophe

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Re: SBP Renegades
« Reply #7 on: December 14, 2015, 11:54:44 AM »
this is how the F-16W looks at the moment...
It/she looks very lovely... :-* :-*

Offline DFZ

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Re: SBP Renegades
« Reply #8 on: December 16, 2015, 08:47:23 AM »
It/she looks very lovely... :-* :-*
Thanks, Tophe!  :)
Well, today i mixed up XF-56 and X-13 in 70/30 ratio and got this...

I really like how it came out, i'll just have to be very careful with masking and painting the rest of the details, intake and radome.
I'm thinking of going PoAF with this one, although i like the hi-vis markings, i'd like to wait a few weeks in hope that the F-16 Lo-vis markings i've been waiting for are released in a decal sheet by the new Portuguese brand Blackcat Decals.
I believe these will look great on that color:
Anyway, i still have a lot to do so there will be time for that later, although it raises another question, it sure makes it harder to come up with a backstory for this... ::)

"Stick and stones may brake some bones but a 3,57's gonna blow your damn head off!"

Offline DFZ

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Re: SBP Renegades
« Reply #9 on: January 11, 2016, 06:59:29 AM »
Hi, guys!
It's almost done, i should be able to finish it before the deadline.  :)

I decided to give it a different finish, didn't wanna bother with a camo scheme, wouldn't have time for it anyway. I will build at least 2 more of these, with a few differences, another single seat and a twin seat version, both with CFTs and the twin seater will have the electronics spine. Twin engines are an option but still in study. ;)

"Stick and stones may brake some bones but a 3,57's gonna blow your damn head off!"

Offline Dr. YoKai

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Re: SBP Renegades
« Reply #10 on: January 11, 2016, 08:04:16 AM »
 Welcome to the only sane forum on the Web!  ;) Not a huge fan of the F-16, but these look pretty cool.
 Looking forward to seeing the paint schemes.

Offline DFZ

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Re: SBP Renegades
« Reply #11 on: January 11, 2016, 11:37:56 PM »
Welcome to the only sane forum on the Web!  ;) Not a huge fan of the F-16, but these look pretty cool.
 Looking forward to seeing the paint schemes.

Thank you, Dr.! Glad you like it!  :)
I know i'm in the right place, no crazy JMNs' gonna bother me here!! ;D
On the next versions of the F-16W, i intend to try other schemes, maybe a bit more realistic but to suit different scenarios, but all whiff!
It will depend on my developing skills with the airbrush, i've been using it for only a few months and there's so much to learn, i've never done a real multi-colored camo scheme, so i'm still to try that out, might very well be it's my next challenge. :)

Now it's time to roll one and sit at the bench to finish the weapons of the F-16W... Peace,brodas! 8)

"Stick and stones may brake some bones but a 3,57's gonna blow your damn head off!"

Offline taiidantomcat

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Re: SBP Renegades
« Reply #12 on: January 13, 2016, 02:27:29 AM »
This is wonderful  :-* Hot Viper
"They know you can do anything, So the question is, what don't you do?"

-David Fincher

Offline DFZ

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Re: SBP Renegades
« Reply #13 on: January 13, 2016, 07:53:24 AM »
This is wonderful  :-* Hot Viper

Thank you!  :) :icon_alabanza:

I'm very satisfied with the results, and also that i'm going to get this one finished, this was my first real Whiff. It nearly went into the garbage bin but i always felt sorry for it when it cried out in despair... ;D I really had low hopes of making something out it, let alone be so happy with the results! From all the putty and subsequent PSR, i had to take it slow because i was losing motivation in each session, that's why it took over 2 years to come to this...  :-[
So, today i took care of the missiles. Took me longer to put decals on these than on the whole aircraft because the Hasegawa decals provided in the Weapons sets took quite a few applications of microset to conform to the body of the missiles and were really hard to keep in place from being soaked. When those where finished, a coat of gloss varnish went on.

A few coats of matte varnish should get this in the right look and then, final assembly of the pylons and corresponding missiles, which should all take place tomorrow! :)

"Stick and stones may brake some bones but a 3,57's gonna blow your damn head off!"

Offline DFZ

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Re: SBP Renegades
« Reply #14 on: January 18, 2016, 11:41:50 AM »
So, after 2 and a half years in the making, it's finally finished!! :icon_beer:

The F-16W was the 1st of a few redesigns of the old Viper.
After the US government dropped the F-35 back in 2001, the US Air force would still be well provisioned with the F-22 Raptor, but that would leave the other services with a problem.
By cancelling the F-35, the DoD decides to ask manufacturers for new upgrade programs that could enhance survivability and performance in various aspects of the existing 4th Gen fighters like the F-15, -16 and -18. All the kits had to be able to be retrofitted to existing in-service aircraft.

Eventually, the F-15 would have the newest version called F-15SE, and the Hornet would become the Super Hornet. But the changes would be further developed as the world's financial situation was becoming more and more unstable, Nato partners would probably be out of money to invest in completely new aircraft in the near future, so the cheaper alternatives seemed like a much wiser choice.
The changes began with the engine, the  Pratt&Whitney F119 would be retrofitted to the F-16 airframe, which didn't pose a big problem as the 119's dimensions are very similar to the P&W F100 and GE F110. The 2D TVC nozzle is integrated into the engine, and also added weight to the engine choice as it would greatly improve maneuverability and lower the IR signature.

Taking the F-22's experience, and using some other design features that were supposed to be a part of the F-35, Lockheed decides to stick to the F-16 basic airframe and develop add-on kits that could address any short comings the original design had.
These kits would be developed throughout several years since mid 2002. The F-16W was the first aircraft to be built for testing of some of the major changes to the Viper, but an even bigger redesign would come around 2009, when the wings and tails were changed.
There were 2 versions of Packs to be developed, air-to-air and air-to-ground. The air to ground kit design would result in the AF-16A, of which the prototype was presented to the public in the 2012 Singapore air show.

The wings and stabs had become bigger, with a redesigned profile, using the F-22's wing profile, but adapting it to match the load capacity the old wing had, so instead of having only two wing pylon stations like the Raptor, it would have 3 hardpoints underneath the wing, and the traditional wingtip missile launcher as on the original Viper wing. The F-35's tail section design would be used when the decision was made to give the Viper twin tails.

The DSI intake, after the successful test series back in 1996, on an F-16C block30, would be adopted for these upgrade kits as it reduced weight and RCS.
The undercarriage section was also redesigned, as the length of the aircraft would be increased by the new horizontal tails. The option to try a Hornet type landing gear to give the fighter a higher ground clearance, but that meant an extensive study of how to fit a kit of the new bigger landing gears bays setup.

Going with a CFT type of design, the bays would be moved down and aft, to give it an even bigger clearance of the tail on high AoA landings. This also brought out the old idea of having the F-16 on carriers, something that would become much easier to consider with the new gear.

Another old idea that re-emerged was the landing gear door-mounted missiles. The missiles would now be place on the sides of the enlarged landing gear bays, much like the F-15 or even the F-18's fuselage mounted missiles, giving the F-16 another 2 weapon stations.
Block 60 features as the IRST in front of the cockpit and Forward looking sensors on the sides of the cockpit.

Concerning radar cross section, the DSI, the twin tails, planform alignment of most angles, a new type of radar absorbing paint that was developed in 2009, along with the new RAM coating material applied on the whole aircraft and pylons, would help reduce the Viper's RCS to the size of a small car, with full external load. A big difference to the house-sized RCS of the original Vipers.
After all the changes were ground-tested and approved, the 1st prototype flew in 2010 at Nellis Air Force base, and kept being flown by the 422nd Test and Evaluation Squadron throughout the year.
Pics depict the F-16W in live weapons testing. >:D
There are a few screw-ups visible on the underside pic, the outboard LAU-127s were really hard to hold in place, and slipped a few times, resulting in the glue taking out a bit of paint. That will be touched up, i just didn't wanna be bothered with that right now...  The number of missiles carried could even be higher but i decided that this was enough...
Hope you guys like how it came out, i know i'm really happy with it, considering my skills and what i've achieved in modeling so far. Next will probably be better as i now have the experience this one gave me.
Thank you all for the support with your comments and views! :)

« Last Edit: January 18, 2016, 11:48:53 AM by DFZ »
"Stick and stones may brake some bones but a 3,57's gonna blow your damn head off!"

Offline finsrin

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Re: SBP Renegades
« Reply #15 on: January 18, 2016, 12:57:54 PM »
 :o :-* Beautious and Inspiring.

Note to General Dynamics and USAF: Take a look at this !

Offline DFZ

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Re: SBP Renegades
« Reply #16 on: January 18, 2016, 07:33:04 PM »
:o :-* Beautious and Inspiring.

Note to General Dynamics and USAF: Take a look at this !

Thank you very much, Finsrin! :) I'm glad to know you like it! I do have a plan for a full 5th gen Viper, and it's very similar to this design, maybe Lockheed would be more interested in that, who knows? ;)
Would be nice to see a real one... :-*

"Stick and stones may brake some bones but a 3,57's gonna blow your damn head off!"