Author Topic: The cat limps back...  (Read 5835 times)

Offline taiidantomcat

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The cat limps back...
« on: December 10, 2015, 02:37:11 AM »
Like many here I am going to participate, but don't even know where to begin I have so many unfinished kits, this has been me the last 36 hours:

Worse yet, I moved and don't know where everything is, a lot of near finished builds are still packed away, and My work bench isn't even set up!! I hope to have a decision made here soon as to what the plan is!

 :-\ :-\
"They know you can do anything, So the question is, what don't you do?"

-David Fincher

Offline Kerick

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Re: The cat limps back...
« Reply #1 on: December 10, 2015, 09:00:09 AM »
I was complaining to my brother about work projects that need to be done around the house. He said to just start with whatever project ticked me off the most.  I your case I would suggest grabbing the box on the top of the pile.  Sometime just finishing something can be a motivator towards further progress.

Offline Goonie

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Re: The cat limps back...
« Reply #2 on: December 10, 2015, 07:29:32 PM »
Don't know if the idiom that I want to use got the same meaning in English like in my native speech, but I'm keeping my fingers crossed for sorting things up at least to point of having provisional workbench  :)
I think I know what the feeling is because up to the end of first week of November have been in the same position. So I wish you to came up with plan what to do soon and dig up some unfinished builds :)
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Offline Tophe

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Re: The cat limps back...
« Reply #3 on: December 11, 2015, 10:27:26 AM »
Maybe, stop unpacking when you discover one unfinished model: no need to find them all, no need to unpack everything, but try to finish this one (this is a possibility, not mandatory of course) ;)

Offline jcf

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Re: The cat limps back...
« Reply #4 on: December 11, 2015, 12:24:56 PM »
Maybe, stop unpacking when you discover one unfinished model: no need to find them all, no need to unpack everything, but try to finish this one (this is a possibility, not mandatory of course) ;)

Stop it Tophe, your embrace of the simple is damaging to the rest of us.  ;)
“Conspiracy theory’s got to be simple.
Sense doesn’t come into it. People are
more scared of how complicated shit
actually is than they ever are about
whatever’s supposed to be behind the
-The Peripheral, William Gibson 2014

Offline Tophe

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Re: The cat limps back...
« Reply #5 on: December 11, 2015, 12:44:38 PM »
 ??? Sorry, let everyone do as he/she wants... while... finishing a model is a pleasure too, yes it is... ;)