1. Have fun
2. once the build starts, you have 48 hours to complete it.
3. But what constitutes as "started"? For these purposes you can wash or prep parts as is sometimes needed to remove mould release or other chemicals to prepare the plastic/resin. I know in some cases like resin this in and of itself can take 24 hours of soaking. However when the parts come off the sprues/blocks deliberately (not counting the inevitable parts that fell off on their own) the clock starts
4. What counts as "completed"? finished to your satisfaction.
5. Be honorable. Technically you can "game" or "cheat" this fairly easily. I'm not going to require a picture of model parts with a clock -- a cell phone is popular-- on top or near (though for a fun theme that is encouraged.) the purpose is the challenge, the test. to see what you can really do in such a short span. We will have a vote at the end of the year, but there is no reward. if you cheat, you cheat only yourself
6. Although the build is 48 hours start to finish, you may post your pictures and updates during or after or both. If you need to sleep, wipe away the sweat, drink your celebratory beer first, and/or explain to your loved ones where you've been the last 2 days, and then post all the happenings of your 48 hour adventure that is fine.
7. This build runs all the way from January 30th, 2020 until January 1, 2021
8. you really think you have the time to read more rules?!
Good luck!!
Please direct all questions, comments, concerns, suggestions, flattering compliments to the GB moderator Taiidantomcat.
Any complaints, hate mail, insults, or threats to Moderator GTX