Author Topic: Gunships GB: Completed Physical Models  (Read 4988 times)

Offline Weaver

  • Skyhawk stealer and violator of Panthers, with designs on a Cougar and a Tiger too
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Gunships GB: Completed Physical Models
« on: March 25, 2016, 07:13:56 AM »
When you've finished your model, please post it in this thread in order for it to be included in the voting process.

Posts on this thread should consist of:

1. Up to three photographs

2. A short description (about a paragraph)

3. A link to the build thread

Please DO NOT post comments, questions, critiques or anything else except finished build entries on this thread. If you want to comment on a model, please do so on the relevent build thread.

If you want your efforts to be judged in multiple categories, i.e. a physical build and/or a profile and/or a back story, then please post the relevent material in EACH of the relevent 'finished builds' threads. Work will only be entered into voting for the categories in which it's submitted.
"I have described nothing but what I saw myself, or learned from others" - Thucydides

"I've jazzed mine up a bit" - Spike Milligan

"I'm a general specialist," - Harry Purvis in Tales from the White Hart by Arthur C. Clarke

Twitter: @hws5mp @HaroldWeaverSmith

Offline KiwiZac

  • The Modeller Formerly Known As K5054NZ
Re: Gunships GB: Completed Physical Models
« Reply #1 on: May 15, 2016, 01:21:11 PM »
1/72 CASA 352M "Miguel"

In the late 1960s General Franco directed the Ejercito del Aire to develop a gunship in the vein of the American "Spooky" or "Puff", to be used against anti-colonialists in Spanish Sahara. Three CASA 352L aircraft - licence-built Junkers Ju52 transports - were duly converted to carry an array of machineguns, two miniguns and a Bofors 40mm cannon and re-engined with a pair of powerful Rolls-Royce Merlins in place of the original three radials.

Zac in NZ
#avgeek, modelbuilder, photographer, writer. Callsign: "HANDBAG"

Offline Acree

  • That will teach you to frustrate the powers that be...won't it comrade?
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Re: Gunships GB: Completed Physical Models
« Reply #2 on: May 31, 2016, 12:12:23 AM »
"General VandeBoom" was the nickname for a field modification of a Beech JRB completed by a pair of Marine officers (one a junior pilot and the other a mid-level artillery officer) during the difficult days of the Guadalcanal campaign.  The JRB had been the personal transport of Maj Gen AA Vandegrift and was modified by mounting a 75mm M1A1 pack howitzer firing out the doorway on the port side of the aircraft.  A .50 caliber machine gun was also mounted to assist with aiming.

Here is a link to the build thread and backstory:

Offline Weaver

  • Skyhawk stealer and violator of Panthers, with designs on a Cougar and a Tiger too
  • Moderator
  • Chaos Engineer & Evangelistic Agnostic
Re: Gunships GB: Completed Physical Models
« Reply #3 on: June 01, 2016, 09:39:25 AM »
Okay, it's well past midnight on the 31st, so I hereby declare this GB closed. A poll will follow shortly.
"I have described nothing but what I saw myself, or learned from others" - Thucydides

"I've jazzed mine up a bit" - Spike Milligan

"I'm a general specialist," - Harry Purvis in Tales from the White Hart by Arthur C. Clarke

Twitter: @hws5mp @HaroldWeaverSmith