The Mon Calamari Shipyards are best known for their large capital ships and transports. However, they also built a number of highly effective smaller ships, including the FS-668 sloop. Most of these sloops were destroyed or captured by the Empire when Mon Cala was invaded and subjugated. However, several found their way into the hands of individual Mon Calamari who eventually received letters of marque as privateers in service to the Alliance. The most well-known of these sloops was one christened the "Gian-bee." The adventures of the Gian-bee and her crew entered into Rebel culture through the familiar song about her:
(to an ancient tune of unknown origin)
We come on the sloop Gian-bee,
My droid pilot and me,
Around Naboo town, we did roam.
We launched late one night,
Got into a fight (yeah, yeah),
The other ship broke up, they didn't go home.
So, hoist up the Gian-bee's shields,
See how the ray-shield sets,
Call for the jump to light speed, let me go home!
I wanna go home, but they won't leave me alone,
This is the best trip, I've ever been on!