
Which creation do you believe was best or which best exemplified the spirit of the GB?

GTX_Admin's The Empire Strike Back
1 (4.5%)
Jeremak's Hawker Trident
0 (0%)
Empty Handed's  A Series of Falklandish Events
0 (0%)
Cliffy B's "The Great South American War of 1984"
5 (22.7%)
Litvyak's Contributions
1 (4.5%)
Logan Hartke's/Talos's Panthers
3 (13.6%)
Brian da Basher's Argentine "Balboa" & R-99 combat airship
2 (9.1%)
Scorchio's Jaguars
2 (9.1%)
JP Vieira's "Falklands/ Malvinas Air War Scenes"
8 (36.4%)

Total Members Voted: 21

Voting closed: July 21, 2012, 06:45:42 PM

Author Topic: Vote on your favourite Entry  (Read 18457 times)

Offline GTX_Admin

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Vote on your favourite Entry
« on: July 11, 2012, 06:45:42 PM »
Ok folks,

As promised, until Scooterman is repatriated, here is the Poll for the GB.  The entries may be viewed here.

You only have a single vote so make it count.  You are however able to change your vote should you change your mind.  You only have 10 days to vote though.  Results will be shown after the poll is closed and I tally up the bribes votes.


All hail the God of Frustration!!!

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Offline Cliffy B

  • Ship Whiffer Extraordinaire...master of Beyond Visual Range Modelling
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Re: Vote on your favourite Entry
« Reply #1 on: July 13, 2012, 03:29:25 AM »
I honestly don't think its fair to lump all of the entries together.  I know Brian was the only one of us to do any psychical builds but comparing his to the rest of the profiles, stories, and profiles/stories just doesn't seem fair to everyone.  The entries all clearly fall into one of those categories.

I'm not trying to come off sounding like an ass or come off as jealous in any manner here (its certainly NOT my intention) but I feel like there needs to be different categories, however few the entries for each for the sake of fairness.  Maybe I'm alone in this but I felt the need to say something.
"Radials growl, inlines purr, jets blow!"  -Anonymous

"Helos don't fly.  They vibrate so violently that the ground rejects them."  -Tom Clancy

"If all else fails, call in an air strike."  -Anonymous

Offline Brian da Basher

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Re: Vote on your favourite Entry
« Reply #2 on: July 13, 2012, 03:54:09 AM »
Thank you for your thoughtful comments, Cliffy. I'm pleased as punch just to have my models displayed among such amazing and inspiring entries. The work done for this GB set a very high standard indeed!

I'm OK with things as they are. If there were other 3D entries, splitting them out separately would probably be a good idea. I think we should consider doing that for the next GB if needed.

I also wanted to thank everyone who participated. It's because of you that these GBs are such a blast!

Brian da Basher

Offline GTX_Admin

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Re: Vote on your favourite Entry
« Reply #3 on: July 13, 2012, 04:50:28 AM »
I honestly don't think its fair to lump all of the entries together.  I know Brian was the only one of us to do any psychical builds but comparing his to the rest of the profiles, stories, and profiles/stories just doesn't seem fair to everyone.  The entries all clearly fall into one of those categories.

I'm not trying to come off sounding like an ass or come off as jealous in any manner here (its certainly NOT my intention) but I feel like there needs to be different categories, however few the entries for each for the sake of fairness.  Maybe I'm alone in this but I felt the need to say something.

I hear what you are saying and do sympathise.  Normally there would indeed have been separate categories (just look at the earlier GBs this year to see what I mean).  In this case though because Brian's was the only physical creation submitted, it hardly made sense to have a category just for him ( you could vote for Brian or you could vote for Brian...).  I did agonise over this a little, but didn't really see any other option.  I am happy to take suggestions though so as to avoid this problem in the future.
All hail the God of Frustration!!!

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Offline Cliffy B

  • Ship Whiffer Extraordinaire...master of Beyond Visual Range Modelling
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Re: Vote on your favourite Entry
« Reply #4 on: July 13, 2012, 05:12:03 AM »
I hear what you're saying as well.  Excluding Brian from this (no offense man) since he clearly won the physical build section  :D 

I look at the others and see differences enough to warrant at least two or three categories for them.  Some of us did profiles only, stories only, or a combo of both.  Those that, say did a profile, may draw more votes based on the "ooo shiny" factor, and those that just did stories will get the "oh he just wrote some stuff" reaction and get viewed as less of an entry.  Then there's the "I don't want to read a wall of text ooh look a profile" and then the story doesn't even get a skim.  If they were split into separate groups than the stories could be judged on their own merit and not having any accompanying profiles doesn't detract from the quality of the entry.

It just wouldn't seem right if for arguments sake, Brian won just because he's the only one that built something therefore the others didn't stand a chance.  I know this gets into voter mentality and the like but if that did happen you could easily make that argument and several people could feel rather cheated.

I've seen that happen in other circumstances when dissimilar entries are voted on as one group and I'd hate to see that happen, especially with this GB as everyone obviously put a lot of work and effort into their entries.  Just because someone can build, or draw, or write, or draw and write shouldn't give them an advantage over someone who can just do one or the other. 

How exactly to split up the entries though I'm not sure and I think we'd wind up with different categories with only 1-3 in each which isn't necessarily a bad thing.  Lumping dissimilar entries together is going to to create unfair ad/disadvantages for all involved.

On a different but related subject, where the heck is Scooterman?  Do we need to send out search parties again?  Should we wait until he returns and see what his thoughts are since its his GB?

I don't know...
« Last Edit: July 13, 2012, 05:20:10 AM by Cliffy B »
"Radials growl, inlines purr, jets blow!"  -Anonymous

"Helos don't fly.  They vibrate so violently that the ground rejects them."  -Tom Clancy

"If all else fails, call in an air strike."  -Anonymous

Offline GTX_Admin

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Re: Vote on your favourite Entry
« Reply #5 on: July 13, 2012, 05:46:13 AM »
Fair points.  I think the overall problem here was that there just weren't enough entries to try to split the voting up.  I also tried to merge some people's entries into one that should actually give some advantage (too many entries from one person could actually end up diluting their votes if counted as separate entries) - this was something raised in earlier GBs.

As for Brad (aka Scooterman), I have had some contact with him but until his computer is back up and running he is unfortunately limited in what he can do.  I did speak to him about what he wanted to do in relation to the voting before putting the Poll up.

All that said, the voting is actually pretty even running across the board right now...
All hail the God of Frustration!!!

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Offline GTX_Admin

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Re: Vote on your favourite Entry
« Reply #6 on: July 15, 2012, 05:57:07 AM »
Need some more votes here folks.  There have only been 9 votes cast and the competition is tight.  A week to go.
All hail the God of Frustration!!!

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Offline GTX_Admin

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Re: Vote on your favourite Entry
« Reply #7 on: July 17, 2012, 04:14:01 AM »
Wel, we're up to 12 votes and an early leader has suddenly been overtaken.  Voting is still extremely close though so we need more people to vote.
All hail the God of Frustration!!!

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Offline GTX_Admin

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Re: Vote on your favourite Entry
« Reply #8 on: July 18, 2012, 05:28:12 PM »
More votes!! We need more Votes!!! MORE!!! >:(
All hail the God of Frustration!!!

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Offline GTX_Admin

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Re: Vote on your favourite Entry
« Reply #9 on: July 20, 2012, 02:37:50 AM »
Only another day or so to go and the votes are tied!!!  Come on people, we need some tie breaking!!! >:(
All hail the God of Frustration!!!

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Offline GTX_Admin

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Re: Vote on your favourite Entry
« Reply #10 on: July 21, 2012, 04:14:00 AM »
Not long to go now....
All hail the God of Frustration!!!

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Offline JP Vieira

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Re: Vote on your favourite Entry
« Reply #11 on: July 23, 2012, 02:19:12 AM »
Although I hadn’t got any official message yet, I guess it would not be inappropriate to post a thank you … ;)
So here it is:
It was really a surprise! My first ever win at a GB.
And it’s even more important considering the quality of the other works!
Many thanks to all that voted for me :)

Offline GTX_Admin

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Re: Vote on your favourite Entry
« Reply #12 on: July 23, 2012, 02:33:10 AM »
Yes, congratulations are in order (Brad would be announcing this but the last I heard, he was heading off to be alone with that particular illicit magazine again).  As I said during the GB, your artworks would not be out of place suitably framed and sitting in the Mess of many a RAF/RN FAA or FAA/COAN unit.  Well done and very deserving.

Well done to all the entries - the voting was actually very close until the last day or so.


All hail the God of Frustration!!!

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Offline JP Vieira

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Re: Vote on your favourite Entry
« Reply #13 on: July 23, 2012, 03:04:18 AM »
Thank you Greg.
And also congratulations to all other participants: excelent works all around :)

Offline Litvyak

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Re: Vote on your favourite Entry
« Reply #14 on: July 23, 2012, 03:28:44 AM »
Congrats! Well deserved indeed.

It really was hard to pick one!

And a hug to whoever voted for me! :P
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Re: Vote on your favourite Entry
« Reply #15 on: July 23, 2012, 04:15:46 AM »
Hearty and well deserved congrats JP!!!

Offline Scooterman

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Re: Vote on your favourite Entry
« Reply #16 on: July 23, 2012, 07:49:08 AM »
Congrats to JP and everybody that entered the build!    The quality of the stories, profiles and physical models always surprises me-they just keep getting better and better all  the time.

JP, I will be in touch on Monday to discuss your prize.

Now time for the groveling........ :icon_zombie:

I'm very sorry that I couldn't be more active as a moderator during this time.  My new computer burned out on day 3 and this is the new, new version so hopefully this won't be an issue any more!!!!!!!  I hope that GTX will forgive me for my behavior and give me the chance to run another one in the future.

Offline GTX_Admin

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Re: Vote on your favourite Entry
« Reply #17 on: July 23, 2012, 02:19:13 PM »
My new computer burned out on day 3 and this is the new, new version so hopefully this won't be an issue any more!!!!!!!  I hope that GTX will forgive me for my behavior and give me the chance to run another one in the future.

Well, that will depend upon how good the bribe is... ;)
All hail the God of Frustration!!!

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Offline tc2324

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Re: Vote on your favourite Entry
« Reply #18 on: July 23, 2012, 11:21:40 PM »
Well done all.   :)

Just sorry I didn`t get involved and given Brian a run for his money.....  ;D
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Offline JP Vieira

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Re: Vote on your favourite Entry
« Reply #19 on: July 24, 2012, 02:26:40 AM »
Many thanks to all for your compliments.
And again: well done to all other artists :)

Offline Brian da Basher

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Re: Vote on your favourite Entry
« Reply #20 on: July 25, 2012, 06:12:42 PM »
Congratulations, JP! Very well earned! Your work is always impressive and never more so than in this GB!

Thanks to everyone who participated! You're all winners in my book!

Brian da Basher

Offline JP Vieira

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Re: Vote on your favourite Entry
« Reply #21 on: July 26, 2012, 01:34:02 AM »
Thank you Brian

Offline Cliffy B

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Re: Vote on your favourite Entry
« Reply #22 on: July 31, 2012, 07:27:58 AM »
Congrats dude!  Thanks for the second place everyone  8)

I really enjoyed this GB and the level of the entries were certainly phenomenal!   We should try this type of build again with another conflict, any takers?

Sorry for the late reply.  I messed up my wrist a week and a half ago so I've been staying off the computer.  Our 12-year old arthritic German Shepherd fell down in an awkward spot and while picking her up she slipped and my wrist bore the brunt of it.  It's been slow going since.
"Radials growl, inlines purr, jets blow!"  -Anonymous

"Helos don't fly.  They vibrate so violently that the ground rejects them."  -Tom Clancy

"If all else fails, call in an air strike."  -Anonymous