Modelling > Sea

Submarine Ideas and Inspiration

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Somebody has been lurking around in shallow enough water to have sunlight reach the hull. Maybe just listening?

Old Wombat:
Crikey! She looks furry! :o

I wonder if that works as an anti-sonar coating? ???

As an SSBN it's her job to sit lurking somewhere until the End of Days is upon us, then she's to unleash Hellfire upon Britain's enemies. :icon_ninja: :icon_punal: C:-) :icon_killbill: :icon_twisted: :icon_vader: >:D :icon_swat:

Mig Eater:
Soviet Project 621 amphibious assault submarine from 1948.

Now we know where the Typhoon class got the double pressure hulls from.

Inside world’s first, $3 billion underwater superyacht


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