Modelling > Engineering Dept.

Re-Purposing missiles as satellite launchers

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If this is in the wrong place then can the moderators move this to somewhere more appropriate.

My question is this, is it feasable to re-purpose Large ex-SAM's like Bomarc or Bloodhound, or heavyweight ASM's like Blue Steel and Hound dog missiles into some sort of expendable small satellite launchers, as in thier appropriate timelines?

I ask this as there was a comment on what if in 'the Hot Research Topics »Aircraft, Armor, Weapons and Ships by Topic »Weapon Systems. Real and Imagined.Boeing F-99/IM-10 BOMARC ideas and inspiration.' which mentioned this idea, however I was wondering if it could be expanded to encompass more larger weapons.
My concept would be to modify a Bloodhound, or simular as an air-launched Satellite launcher. But what aircraft would be appropriate?
I wonder if anyone else has any comments, ideas, etc.


Certainly should be possible, though limits will probably come from the satellite sizes.

Some of the Nike family were turned into sounding rockets.


--- Quote from: kengeorge on December 19, 2017, 09:09:18 AM ---is it feasable to re-purpose Large ex-SAM's like Bomarc or Bloodhound, or heavyweight ASM's like Blue Steel and Hound dog missiles into some sort of expendable small satellite launchers, as in thier appropriate timelines?

--- End quote ---
You'd think so, but generally not.

The combination of low fuel quantities and relatively massive satellites of the period means that it's pretty unlikely to find a SAM that has the power to propel even what is called a cubesat (10cmx10cmx10cm weighing 3-5 kg max) into actual orbit. As a sounding rocket, sure, but orbit, no. Orbital speed is roughly Mach 25 and drag increases exponentially with speed (and decreases with air density, so you do gain some back) and both gravity and drag losses would be too much for pretty much any known SAM to get to orbit, even if the payload was, essentially, zero.


Yep, Bomarc in particular wouldn't be a good choice as its rocket only fired long enough to reach
the speed required by the ramjets.

Similarly, Hound Dogs are also air-breathers and didn't get beyond Mach 2.1 in performance.   I don't see it being able to loft something to orbit; a sub-orbital "punt", possibly, but not a loft to orbit.  You would need structural material changes and an improved engine (possibly a combined-cycle turbo-ramjet) to have a chance.  IMHO, you would be better off designing an air-droppable launcher from the beginning.


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