Modelling > SciFi & Fantasy

Mecha (and other flippin' big robot type things) ideas and inspiration

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Silver Fox:
If it doesn't include an Urbie... it doesn't count. :)


--- Quote from: Klaus Wachsmuth on December 13, 2014, 11:28:24 AM ---Gingie, if you're going to CAPCON 2015, you'll see all three there.

--- End quote ---

For sure, I plan on being there. Heard rumours it might be a 2-day show, or, they might leave the contest room open during judging.

Back on topic - I see Bandai is re-releasing some of the macross mechs. Tempted.

Klaus Wachsmuth:
The model room will be open during the judging, but we're still hashing out the two-day event, if they go for it. Will keep you posted.

Jeffry Fontaine:
I dabbled in Macross, Robotech, Gundam and Votom Armored Troopers a very long time ago.  I never really got on board with it unfortunately.  Some of it was appealing due to the VF-1 Valkyrie being an aircraft/space craft plus a human controlled war machine.  The Gundam mobile weapons also appealed to me but not to the point that I could stay interested.  I still like some aspects from all of these and some of the Gundam figures and vehicles in 1:35th scale do keep me interested but not enough to add to my kit stash. 

So it looks like we need to start a topic on the Macross/Robotech Universe where these things can be discussed at length. 

Some on-line resources for all things related to the Macross, Robotech, Gundam Universe:

(Image source: Macross Wiki

Wikipedia > Robotech

[url]Wikipedia > Robotech (Television Series)[/url]

FaceBook > Robotech

(Image Source: Wikipedia > Macross)

Wikipedia > Macross

The Macross Wiki

Wikipedia > The Super Dimension Fortress Macross

(Image source: Wikipedia > Gundam

Wikipedia > Gundam

Wikipedia > Mobile Weapons

The Gundam Wiki

(Image source: Wikipedia > Armored Trooper Votoms

Wikipedia > Votoms Armored Troopers

Wikipedia > Maschinen Krieger ZbV 3000

If you can think of any other themes that should belong in this discussion, please add them in. 

We already had a thread for this - now merged here.


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