Current and Finished Projects > Aero-space

New here but familiar to most

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Hello guys,
I am new to this site but many will know me from whatif, as chrisonord. I have no up to date pics of stuff I am building as I have packed all my modelling stuff away due to work being done in my house. Here is the last build I photographed, a SHADO build,this is part scratch build and part hacked up 1/100th scale nu-bee tu-20.I have built the aircraft in my usual 1/72nd scale. The aircraft is called sentinel, and is an airborn communications relay and command post. The aircraft is designed to work with or replace satellites during an alien attack. The sensor array is situated on the rear of the aircraft to facilitate the transfer of data. The aircraft is coated in the usual anti flash coating, an is capable of high altitude high speed and long un refueled on station endurance.


Love the model and background info.  Most appropriate and creative.   :)
Look forward to seeing more after the house work is done.
I also build to 1/72 results.
Welcome to BTS

Looks really good,me likey!!!

Oooooh, wow!!!

Well welcome to the new asylum, I see you'll fit right in with the rest of the population.  That's simply gorgeous!


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