Modelling > Sea

Under-sea V2 launch against the USA !!!

(1/2) > >>

see factual article here !!

place whif ideas here ...

Heh, consider a one-two shock attack with a flight of these V-2s followed by bombardment of several locales from submerged U-boats (say, Type XXi's that had streamlined launchers mounted on deck - the article makes clear that earlier model U-boats couldn't have done it).

The Big Gimper:

--- Quote from: elmayerle on September 16, 2012, 06:36:19 AM ---Heh, consider a one-two shock attack with a flight of these V-2s followed by bombardment of several locales from submerged U-boats (say, Type XXi's that had streamlined launchers mounted on deck - the article makes clear that earlier model U-boats couldn't have done it).

--- End quote ---

That would be an awesome model. The JMNs would all have coronary's. GET THE PADDLES.  >:D

Here you go:

Considering the A-4/V-2 launch failure rate in optimal conditions, a single successful water launch
would be near miraculous.
As to the artillery rockets, a handful of subs with a handful of rockets would have done little lasting
damage to the New York port structure.
Also if the German's had managed to to carry off a semi-major attack against the US mainland, it's
likely that all German cities would have been Dresdenized.


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