Modelling > SciFi & Fantasy

Space Battleship Bismarck


Cliffy B:
Hey guys, we've all seen the Yamato in space but have you seen the Bismarck?  Found this on another forum.

Warning: The Swastikas are present on the deck so if that's an issue, don't click.

The Big Gimper:
Nice work. Click on home and see some other great builds.

And BTW that's Lord Desler's flag ship.  >:D

I built the old Revell 1/570th kit of the Bismarck with a few mods, not least a multi-exhaust area at the rear.
It's the "t'Curry", a Frank n'Furter Class Space Battleship from my Rocky Horror collection.
Those who know the show/film will recognise the "4711" code  ;)


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