The green and yellow look good! I agree with Guy; some of these one wing wonders would benefit from moving the wing forward. But it still looks good. Maybe the pilots called it a “peeshooter” because they pissed in their pants when trying to fly it?
Thanks for the comments, Gents . . .
@Old Wombat,
Moving the Centre of Pressure (Lift) aft relative to the Centre of Gravity actually increases stability, to a point, beyond which excessive nose heaviness becomes a problem, needing either large amounts of up elevator trim, causing drag, or weight in the tail, or both, to correct. Of course, in reality, the aerodynamics on these planes is impossible, never mind the C of G issues, the wing area has been reduced by half, or more, however here in One Wing Biplane World, the laws of physics are, shall we say, rather more accommodating ?
@Robomog, the Chief Designer thanks you, now he wants a pay rise . . .