Warped minds think alike ….
The M03A1 does have some parts for the A2 that could have been used for the A3. Since I had a Tamiya M60A3 in the stash, and it has its own issues, I looked at pictures and then chose the better of the 2 kits for details, thus gray and beige mix. That's why the running gear is from the M60, the M103 kit gear looked to thin and flimsy. I have only done the hull so far, from what I read and see the turret has its own set of issues. Tried the M60 commanders turret but it covered one of the radio antenna pots, I have a M113 ACAV commanders turret, but it might be to tall, maybe just a shield. Smoke dischargers - maybe. New turret basket for sure, closer to the M60 style. IFR search light for sure.
Any and all advise and comments welcome.