Modelling > Tips, Tools & Techniques
Scale Modelers Handbook
Jeffry Fontaine:
Found this page a while back and bookmarked it after browsing through the site. Certainly worth the time to read through and see for yourself.
Scale Modelers Handbook
This is from the main page:
--- Quote ---Modeling is a fascinating leisure time pursuit whether it is hours between working at a job, a retirement activity that nets results or an after-school activity that gets you away from brain draining activities like television or video games.
Whether you are talking Radio Controlled cars, planes or boats, Sea going vessels, model railroads, dioramas or other stationary models, there is something here for everyone.
To build your Scale Modeling skills you need to practice, learn new methods, and research your subject. Other ‘nuts-and-bolts’ stuff you will find in these pages that will make your hobby more enjoyable and your time involved more productive.
So, if you are simply surfing the web looking for some general information on how to get more enjoyment from your leisure time or getting started in a particular hobby or you want to buy a model or modeling tools you will find help in The Handbook. There are only a handful of Internet websites presenting a broad view of scale modeling and doing it in any detail. You will find some good sites devoted a particular hobby, but none that offer the cross-melding of ideas like the Handbook.
For an idea on how this works drop a couple of ideas into this search box and see what comes back:
--- End quote ---
Great one Jeff - thanks for posting. :)
Lotta sound advice there :)
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