Notices > Forum Notices

thank you//could be better/well done (good)/outstanding

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I understand your caveat/hesitate, Moritz and kitnut617, but from my experience, the buttons are only like an overview.
The members, who REALLY want's to give a comment -at DMMB- pushes the button AND give a reply, so there is grown a unique culture of interesting and useful assessment.
And: "no", PR19_Kit, usually there follows a helpful discussion about what is "verbesserungswürdig" - trust me. :)

O.k., think over..., it's only a proposal.


Old Wombat:
Max is only offering a solution to the potential for excessive usage of server space & time on posts, as opposed to simple button-press counting, guys. Let's not get too assertive! :))

Max, this is a young site & I don't think server usage isn't an issue, yet, but, when it does become one, this may be a solution of sorts (another one is to just post URL links to pictures, rather than IMG links, as another modelling site I am a member of does). However, at this point, I agree with the others - it does seem a bit impersonal & I, personally, dislike the "needs improvement/could be better" button idea (if you're going to criticise, make it constructive - the button doesn't do that). ;)

I'd still like to know how the results of the buttons are posted, though, if you don't mind. ???



Thx Old Wombat/Guy: you lighten up my intention.


A few comments,

1) not a standard feature of the SMF software and I couldn't find a mod pack for anything similar;

2) as Guy asked, what do the bloody things actually do? So you press a button, then what?
    If it just auto-creates a post that says Good Job etc., what's the point?

3) the statement that folks who look at a post but don't respond are 'lazy' is distasteful, not everything
    requires comment and it may be that many of those who are just looking also follow the maxim
    'if you can't say something nice, then say nothing at all';

4) if case you didn't notice we do not track post counts, we don't use karma features, no status titles
    etc. So how many times one posts or their posts are responded to, and these buttons seem designed
    to boost post numbers in both categories, is irrelevant.


Thanks for the suggestion Max - we always welcome suggestions like this. :)  Thank you also to everyone who has commented - this is also welcomed. :)

My thoughts:

* As Jon has detailed above, the software we use for this forum (SMF) doesn't seem to allow this feature so in effect the topic is moot;
* If someone wanted to do a quick response without the time to write a lot, then simply use the emoticons like this:   :) ;D :o :-*
* Re criticism, if it is constructive I think it is ok and usually wil be welcomed.  However the adage "if you can't say something nice then don't say anything" is also a good rule to consider.


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