Author Topic: dy031101's Mental Notes  (Read 393171 times)

Offline dy031101

  • Yuri Fanboy and making cute stuff practical- at least that's the plan anyway
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Re: dy031101's Mental Notes- Rushing Is A Bad Idea
« Reply #425 on: October 12, 2016, 12:07:07 PM »
Forget about his bow and arrows- why wait until that sparrow has done his deed when I can just bury him right now 'cause I'm sick and tired of hearing why he wants to have his way with the cock robin!?

Offline taiidantomcat

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Re: dy031101's Mental Notes- Rushing Is A Bad Idea
« Reply #426 on: October 16, 2016, 04:02:47 AM »
These are so cool!! You should start a thread at the GB, the more the merrier  :)
"They know you can do anything, So the question is, what don't you do?"

-David Fincher

Offline dy031101

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Re: dy031101's Mental Notes- Rushing Is A Bad Idea
« Reply #427 on: October 16, 2016, 07:43:50 AM »
These are so cool!! You should start a thread at the GB, the more the merrier  :)

I do have a planned road to redemption in the aftermath of last year's "Clear The Bench GB"......  :-X

And for the lightweight VK 4502(P), I have to figure out how to Germanize the T-55 turret first......
« Last Edit: October 16, 2016, 09:07:14 AM by dy031101 »
Forget about his bow and arrows- why wait until that sparrow has done his deed when I can just bury him right now 'cause I'm sick and tired of hearing why he wants to have his way with the cock robin!?

Offline apophenia

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Re: dy031101's Mental Notes- Rushing Is A Bad Idea
« Reply #428 on: October 18, 2016, 07:31:33 AM »
And for the lightweight VK 4502(P), I have to figure out how to Germanize the T-55 turret first......

Is this for an extended WW2 timeframe? If so, eliminating the bore evacuator, adding a big muzzle brake, and swapping in a Panther-style vehicle commander's hatch would probably do the trick.

If this is a Bundeswehr vehicle, I'd look to the HS 30 mit 90mm Bord K and scale up  ;)
"It happens sometimes. People just explode. Natural causes." - Agent Rogersz

Offline dy031101

  • Yuri Fanboy and making cute stuff practical- at least that's the plan anyway
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Re: dy031101's Mental Notes- Stop Giving Me Ideas LOL
« Reply #429 on: December 29, 2016, 02:46:18 PM »
(That said, the entire concept of Russ is obviously by a person who understands nothing of tank warfare - in most Russ variants your most potent anti-tank weapons aka lascannon and multi-melta are illogically not placed in the turret which would have room for one, but in the hull or in the sponsons, Vanquisher and Annihilator being rare exceptions.)

Okay so I got distracted once again and mocked up the idea of a modified "standard" variant with an anti-tank pulse-laser cannon (a.k.a. lascannon of WH40K) being co-axial with the "Battle Cannon" as inspired by Kelmola's comment.

Looks like I absolutely will have to redesign the hull weapon position for optimum use of the "Heavy Bolter"......

That's okay.  I've intended the gun-launcher mount to be specifically earmarked for the "small-bore Vanquisher" & "Annihilator" variants and not interchangeable with the heavy-bolter/lascannon mount to begin with (note the lack of the hull-mounted gunsight on the tank itself).

Comments and suggestions welcomed.

Now I'll get back to finishing the "Vanquisher"- I promise.
« Last Edit: December 29, 2016, 04:08:22 PM by dy031101 »
Forget about his bow and arrows- why wait until that sparrow has done his deed when I can just bury him right now 'cause I'm sick and tired of hearing why he wants to have his way with the cock robin!?

Offline dy031101

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Re: dy031101's Mental Notes- Wrapping Up On The Vanquishers For The Moment
« Reply #430 on: January 08, 2017, 01:42:31 PM »

Amidst the Armies of Frontier Nations' campaign to seek out the seat of power of the Sages, an entity that invaded FN forces' homeworld more than 20 years ago, upgraded versions of the tank originally known as the "Leman Russ" (reporting name given by the FN forces' Intelligence Corps, after a functionally-similar fictional tank in the tabletop game "Warhammer 40000" on the FN forces' homeworld) are encountered during a series of skirmishes against the Sage forces' 77th Legion, a penal legion guarding an "Armoury World".

During the brief ground war phase of that invasion more than 20 years ago, the "Leman Russ" main battle tanks provided the land warfare component of the invasion force with the backbone of armoured support, exploiting any breakthrough created by the tougher and harder-hitting Macharius heavy tanks.  Following the defeat of the invasion (mostly attributed to naval victories won by the United Nations forces, essentially the hastily-mobilized predecessor of the Armies of Frontier Nations) and the subsequent disappearance of the supreme leaders of the Sage forces known as the Sage Council, this tank has not been sighted or fought on a widespread basis.

The 77th Legion is a rarity amongst penal legions of the Sage forces in several ways.  For starters, the fact that it is allowed to possess armoured vehicles beyond the scope of improvised armours already alone sets itself apart from its normal, light-infantry-centric peers, but it is also better-equipped than most others down to personnel level and is a proper mechanized formation.  Second, it seems to be staffed exclusively with female troopers and officers (males far outnumber females outside of the 77th Legion, in cases of both disgraced regular military personnel and liberal intellectuals/advocates convicted of "thought crimes").  And, finally, while most if not all other Sage military garrisons and splinter factions encountered after the invasion seem to prefer more-powerful yet cumbersome tanks like the Malcador heavy tank, variants of the "Leman Russ" are the mainstay tanks of the 77th Legion.

The 77th Legion in fact makes extensive use of specialist tank hunter variants believed to have been created to address the marginal effectiveness of the basic "Leman Russ" against heavy armours.  High-end variants are all codenamed by the FN Intelligence as the "Leman Russ Vanquisher" and commonly known to FN troops in the field simply as the "Vanquisher".  This is due to all "Vanquisher" variants having a longer-barrel main gun than the standard "Leman Russ" version's 122mm general-purpose tank gun, giving these tanks a noticeably-superior lethality against hostile armours.

The "Leman Russ Vanquisher" variant used by the 77th Legion has a new turret and a slightly modified hull.  Compared to the turret used in the original baseline model, the new design has a lower profile, achieves a maximum gun depression of -9 degrees by having the turret forward centreline roof over the main gun breech oscillating with the main gun and the co-axial 13.2mm machinegun, and has no turret basket.  The turret crew, the commander and the turret gunner, are provided with bucket-seats and foot stirrups.  Both seats and the swing-arm ammunition transfer units serving the turret main gun from directly behind the gun's recoil path are fastened to the turret's interior walls.

The main gun is a new design that fires a 90mm projectile out of a necked-down propellant case through a L/58 barrel, has no barrel rifling, and is loaded via an autoloader consisting of the afore-mentioned ammo transfer unit and a magazine in the turret bustle.  Evaluation of salvaged guns revealed superior recoil-dampening mechanism as well as a "hotter" propellant charge compared to all other turret ballistic guns in use by other "Leman Russ" variants, resulting in an anti-armour performance at least comparable to the long-barrel 122mm gun used by other "Vanquisher" models despite the use of a smaller cartridge (its propellant case approximates the dimensions of one used by Frontier Army's 105mm L7 fire support gun), but barrel movement that slightly but surely affects its accuracy with each shot fired has been observed on all captured specimen.  Also, only armour-piercing fin-stabilized discarding-sabot and canister rounds are provided for the turret gun.  The 44 one-piece combustible-case ammunitions for the 90mm gun are wholly-contained within a chain-drive magazine in the turret bustle, as opposed to the arrangement in the baseline model, where cased propellant charges and explosive projectiles are stored under the main fighting compartment floor.  The main gun magazine has overhead blowout panels to ensure the safety of the rest of the vehicle in the event of an ammo detonation via battle damage or otherwise.

Despite a shorter barrel length than that of the 122mm L/46 gun carried by the Sage forces' other "Leman Russ Vanquisher" variants, the System Corps of the Armies of Frontier Nations has rated them as comparable in anti-tank role to both it and the NATO-standard 120mm smoothbore L/55 tank gun used to equip part of the FN forces' fleet of MBTs, as well as being easily more-capable of defeating armours than the old but more mass-producible 122mm L/40 cannon used by the standard "Leman Russ" model.

A 152mm infantry gun replaces the hull-mounted heavy machinegun and appears to have become the primary high-explosive launcher for this specific "Vanquisher" variant.  In addition to a variety of anti-personnel, high explosive, and demolition ammunitions, an imaging-infrared-guided "Hunter-Killer" missile is also known to be available for use with the 152mm gun and proves marginally effective against Frontier Army's lineup of main battle tanks such as Challenger 2 and T-90KM out to about eight kilometres.  Ammunitions for the 152mm gun are stowed under the gun mount and in the forward-right sponson, the latter being the same location in baseline model where hull-mounted machinegun ammos or laser cannon batteries would be stored, each protected in its individual container against cook-off in the event of armour penetration.  As the 152mm gun remains manually-loaded, the tank's forward hull compartment layout is re-arranged to additionally accommodate a loader for the gun (therefore maintaining crew size at five despite the elimination of the turret loader position); this gun crew is also directed by the tank commander, with the gunner positioned directly behind the driver and a fold-down seat available aft of the gun-launcher breech to the loader when the weapon is not in operation.

The turret gunner is provided with a thermal and laser targeter sight, which can be shared by the tank commander to augment the latter's observation devices.  The commander has under her control a remote weapon station equipped with daytime camera, thermal imager, and a 13.2mm machinegun, whereas her rotating cupola has an integrated 8x periscope and four auxiliary vision blocks for battlefield observation in the event of the RWS being disabled.  The RWS is independent from the tank's primary fire control system, and the commander must relay any battlefield observation made through it to each crew member via intercom.

The hull gunner has her own day/night gunsight as well, but, being located right behind the driver's hatch, this sight can be interferred with when the driver operates buttoned-down.


At least one specimen of the 77th Penal Legion's "Leman Russ Vanquisher" tank is known to have been further modified with preparations for mounting applique armours, what appears to be a muzzle-reference device for the turret main gun- most likely as a mean to aid the tank's fire control system by factoring-in the gun barrel movements and thus to alleviate any of their consequent impact on accuracy- and a new commander's remote weapon station equipped with a 25.34mm rocket-propelled projectile heavy machinegun as well as all-weather auspexes sensors.  This new RWS is integrated into the tank's fire control system, allowing the tank commander to designate targets for the turret and hull gunners from her console instead of having to verbally transmit targeting data.

Now on to the Anglicized KV-5......
« Last Edit: January 09, 2017, 12:24:46 PM by dy031101 »
Forget about his bow and arrows- why wait until that sparrow has done his deed when I can just bury him right now 'cause I'm sick and tired of hearing why he wants to have his way with the cock robin!?

Offline dy031101

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Re: dy031101's Mental Notes- Wrapping Up On The Vanquishers For The Moment
« Reply #431 on: March 17, 2017, 02:54:40 PM »
Slight modification and complete backstory replacement of an old post:

This ship, built on a hull supplied by one of the refugee communities (which previously used it in an incomplete and barely sea-worthy form as an evacuation ship) that contribute resources to Foreign Auxiliary units of the Frontier Navy, is notable as the only Frontier Navy ship to possess a seaplane catapult.  The completion proposal borrows very heavily from the Type 45 destroyer in service with Frontier Navy's homeworld after the contractor found the hull to lend itself well for the job, but SMART-L and APAR are used in order to take advantage of the fact that the majority of the Frontier Navy has standardized on the Evolved Sea Sparrow and Standard surface-to-air missiles as well as the RUM-139 anti-submarine rocket.

The seaplane is unarmed and appears primarily intended for liaison duties; another airframe is equipped with an ELINT kit and based at the ship's home port, to be embarked on the ship in place of the liaison plane when needed.  It is launched via a hydraulic catapult and recovered via a crane.

The armaments include a 120mm single-purpose gun that is in moderately widespread use within Foreign Auxillary units, a total of 96 Mk.41 vertical launch cells (48 Tactical-length and 16 Strike-length forward, 32 Tactical-length aft), two quadruple launchers for the RGM-84 Harpoon missile, three Phalanx Block 1B systems re-armed with the 25mm KBD gatling gun, and two 533mm anti-submarine torpedo tubes.

The Strike-length VL cells are used to carry and launch SM-2ER, primarily via Cooperative Engagement Capability with allied warships as the maximum range of the SM-2ER is longer than the maximum distance over which the APAR can currently illuminate, and SM-6 ERAM, with clearance for the use of SM-3 ABM being planned pending further development of SMART-L and APAR systems.  Like other ships of the Foreign Auxillary units that are equipped with Strike-length Mk.41 launchers, this vessel has never sailed with any Tomahawk cruise missile onboard, whether land attack or anti-ship variants, and likely never will.


Based on the "Type 43 successor DDG" idea by RP1 except for changes described in the backstory.
« Last Edit: March 20, 2017, 09:33:34 AM by dy031101 »
Forget about his bow and arrows- why wait until that sparrow has done his deed when I can just bury him right now 'cause I'm sick and tired of hearing why he wants to have his way with the cock robin!?

Offline dy031101

  • Yuri Fanboy and making cute stuff practical- at least that's the plan anyway
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And screw you, Photobucket!


A guided missile frigate equipped with an imported set of APAR multi-function radar and SMART-L volume search radar.

Outside of anti-aircraft warfare and command & control equipments, much of the ship's gears are either made locally or cannibalized from decommissioned older vessels.  The seemingly-innovative trimaran design was actually meant to cater to a stubbornly-insisted-upon requirement for a hangar that houses and supports a Mi-14 anti-submarine helicopter (as it would have taken at least a battlecruiser-class hull to accommodate such a hangar into a mono-hull), its main gun is a twin 57mm gun salvaged from a scrapped corvette but reconditioned and slaved to a new fire control radar, and its propulsion scheme is powered by steam turbines because that's all the builder has access to domestically for powering a fleet warship.


Comments and suggestions are welcomed.

I am actually not very sure about the underwater portions of outrigger hulls....... some enlightenment would be great as well......
« Last Edit: August 26, 2017, 03:41:21 AM by dy031101 »
Forget about his bow and arrows- why wait until that sparrow has done his deed when I can just bury him right now 'cause I'm sick and tired of hearing why he wants to have his way with the cock robin!?

Offline dy031101

  • Yuri Fanboy and making cute stuff practical- at least that's the plan anyway
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Re: dy031101's Mental Notes
« Reply #433 on: September 23, 2017, 01:18:50 PM »

The Independent Worlds Coalition Forces, often colloquially known as the "Allies" or "Coalition", are a military alliance formed across parallel universes visited by the Armies of Frontier Nations during its still-ongoing mission to find the seat of power of the Sages, with the long-term goal of defending against the possibility of the Sages resuming their inter-dimensional crusade although the organization is currently fighting the more-immediate threat of the League of Kings warlords.  The Armies of Frontier Nations, while not a member, is for all intents and purposes allied with the IWCF and have frequently fought alongside them.  Officially, however, the FN has only classified the IWCF as "co-belligerent".  Many suspect that this is meant to avoid fueling the paranoia of the FN forces' parent organization known as the United Nations, who after more than 20 years of peace since the defeat of a Sage Crusade is now looking elsewhere for potential threats......


The Project 109 class corvettes, belonging to one of the minor navies within the IWCF, are their country of origin's first attempt to incorporate helicopters into naval operations.  Due to the only helicopter available being the Mi-4PL, the hangar is sized accordngly and becomes too large for a corvette-class monohull to accommodate.  A trimaran design is therefore tried.

The corvette class vessels are envisaged as an "ocean-capable patrol ship" and are armed with a 85mm gun forward- in either an earlier, tank-like turret or a newer semi-shielded mount with better gun elevation arc, since bigger weapons are not yet being ready for mass-production and are limited to those salvaged from decommissioned warships- two twin 25mm autocannons, two twin 14.5mm machineguns, two 533mm anti-submarine torpedo tubes, and four quad 250mm anti-submarine rocket launchers although an anti-ship missile suite- a turbojet-powered development of a Termit-style missile for a range performance competitive in modern naval wafare- and a number of radar-guided/directed 37mm anti-aircraft guns and missile launchers give the ships a measure of usefulness on the high seas.

The Mi-4PL uses radar and sonobuoys to locate hostile submarines (in case of radar, at periscope depth) and depth charges to attack them although in practice it is more frequently used to radio positions of long-distance hostile surface ships, allowing the corvettes to exploit the maximum range of their anti-ship missiles.
« Last Edit: September 25, 2017, 08:14:29 AM by dy031101 »
Forget about his bow and arrows- why wait until that sparrow has done his deed when I can just bury him right now 'cause I'm sick and tired of hearing why he wants to have his way with the cock robin!?

Offline arc3371

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Re: dy031101's Mental Notes
« Reply #434 on: September 24, 2017, 10:09:24 AM »
Some interesting stuff Dy

Offline john_matthews129

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Re: dy031101's Mental Notes
« Reply #435 on: October 03, 2017, 07:34:29 AM »
Are you going to be modeling the ships, too?  I thought that was some first-rate 3D modeling on the tank.   :smiley:

Offline dy031101

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Re: dy031101's Mental Notes
« Reply #436 on: October 10, 2017, 11:18:42 AM »
Some interesting stuff Dy

Now that the Mi-4 gets filed into the "cute" category...... I'm running out of evil helicopters.  ;D

Are you going to be modeling the ships, too?  I thought that was some first-rate 3D modeling on the tank.   :smiley:

Which reminds me to finish the rest of the tank's variants......  :-X  So many holes I've dug for myself- gotta start filling 'em some time......

Unfortunately, the level of details ship models would require is currently outside of what I can efficiently accomplish during free time.  :-X
« Last Edit: October 12, 2017, 01:37:03 AM by dy031101 »
Forget about his bow and arrows- why wait until that sparrow has done his deed when I can just bury him right now 'cause I'm sick and tired of hearing why he wants to have his way with the cock robin!?

Offline dy031101

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Re: dy031101's Mental Notes
« Reply #437 on: November 17, 2017, 05:52:13 AM »

This minor IWCF member navy warship started out as a 70-and-some years old design and went through two major reconstructions- the first one granted a variable-depth sonar, some ahead-throwing anti-submarine mortars and torpedoes, and a submarine-killer drone helicopter facility at the cost of her anti-ship torpedoes and most of her guns whereas the second one rehabilitated her engines and gave her a modern combat data system, an automatic naval gun more suitable against smaller surface combatants and aircraft, anti-ship missiles, and improved accommodations for her complement.

The drone helicopter was quickly phased out due to a lack of spares and succeeded by an Ultra-Light tip-jet rotor helicopter, which has remained in service to this day due to a politically-motivated difficulty in procuring a more-modern replacement.  Like the drone it replaced, the Ultra-Light can carry a single torpedo.

So far the latest upgrade came soon after the operator country of this ship joined the Coalition forces in the form of a Strales 76mm gun acquired from the Armies of Frontier Nations' homeworld in an effort to improve defenses against high-speed, high-mobility aerial threats.


(This ship is essentially a Taiwanese-style reconstruction done to a FRAM II Fletcher class destroyer.)
« Last Edit: December 04, 2017, 06:37:39 AM by dy031101 »
Forget about his bow and arrows- why wait until that sparrow has done his deed when I can just bury him right now 'cause I'm sick and tired of hearing why he wants to have his way with the cock robin!?

Offline dy031101

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Re: dy031101's Mental Notes
« Reply #438 on: November 28, 2017, 06:26:14 AM »

This class of helicopter cruisers, operated by the mysterious military force currently suspected by some within the FN Intelligence Corps to be the outgrowth of the lost remnants of the ill-fated Frontier Navy 11th Fleet, are often seen leading surface actions groups comprised of ASW ships in their war against the League of Kings.  Their anti-aircraft warfare suite, outside of having more vertical launch modules (for a total of 80 cells), is broadly identical to the Sea Viper missile system with the SAMPSON and S1850M radar combination used by the Type 45 destroyers on the Frontier Navy's homeworld.  This outfit lends itself well to the common situation of these surface action groups- that most of their constituent ships do not have sufficient air defense capability to survive anything more than occasional aerial harassments and therefore require protections offered by dedicated fleet defense assets.

Other onboard armaments include two quad MM40 anti-ship missile launchers, one twin 128mm L/61 guns, eight twin 55mm L/77 automatic guns, and four 25mm chain guns.  These cruisers are known to have operated up to nine Panther helicopters each although they clearly have ample rooms to embark larger helicopters instead.  Between missions the helicopters are sheltered and serviced in a below-deck hangar.
« Last Edit: November 28, 2017, 08:37:02 AM by dy031101 »
Forget about his bow and arrows- why wait until that sparrow has done his deed when I can just bury him right now 'cause I'm sick and tired of hearing why he wants to have his way with the cock robin!?

Offline dy031101

  • Yuri Fanboy and making cute stuff practical- at least that's the plan anyway
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Re: dy031101's Mental Notes
« Reply #439 on: January 01, 2018, 01:56:01 PM »
Happy New Year, everyone.

Something quick and dirty this time, because I came across this picture & I could not make sense out of those BBs getting reverted to their WWII configuration, and because I want to see SeaRAMs on an Iowa:

According to what I heard about some 1990s plan to equip Iowa class BBs with Mk.41 launchers, the aft Tomahawk ABL positions apparently have enough room for two 32-cell Mk.41 launchers.  Also, the 5-inch gun turrets are refitted with 5"/54 Mark 16 guns.
« Last Edit: January 02, 2018, 02:00:48 AM by dy031101 »
Forget about his bow and arrows- why wait until that sparrow has done his deed when I can just bury him right now 'cause I'm sick and tired of hearing why he wants to have his way with the cock robin!?

Offline Volkodav

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Re: dy031101's Mental Notes
« Reply #440 on: January 01, 2018, 10:09:10 PM »
You could probably replace some or all of the original 20 5" twins with 16 VLS cells each.  Maybe the middle three on each beam with the furthest fore and aft being replaced with Mk-45 5" or even Mk-75 3" giving the ship 96 strategic length Mk-41 VLS and four modern medium calibre guns with space and weight to spare for CS upgrades.  Mk-48 VLS could be fitted in various locations, maybe even Danish Flex modules could be used with a number of the old 40mm tubs being converted into FLEX slots.

Offline dy031101

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Re: dy031101's Mental Notes
« Reply #441 on: January 02, 2018, 02:44:43 AM »
You could probably replace some or all of the original 20 5" twins with 16 VLS cells each.

I do not realize that the twin 5-inch turrets occupy that much space......

Maybe the middle three on each beam with the furthest fore and aft being replaced with Mk-45 5" or even Mk-75 3"......

I was originally gonna let the whole thing go and settle on merely thinking "that's ain't what a reactivated Iowa is gonna look like"...... but I really wanted to see SeaRAMs on an Iowa  ;D

It is said that the Mk.16 is essentially a longer version of the Mk.12, so I refitted the 5-inch gun turrets under the assumption that the refit would be relatively straightforward and quick, which would be conducive to the scenario conveyed by the anime picture that I linked to- wartime activation rather than merely force level maintenance (although, if they are still available, scrounging the remaining ammo stockpile for the 5"/38 remains conceptually the simplest)- but then I went for the VLS installation......

I'm not an expert, so I don't know if the twin 5-inch turrets can be outright replaced with the Mk.45 mounts as well within the time it would take to modify the aft superstructure to accommodate the Mk.41 modules.

Also, my current choice of fire control systems do not support Sea Sparrow missiles although conceivably I can replace two of the SPG-60 with Mk.92 "eggs".
« Last Edit: January 02, 2018, 04:06:22 AM by dy031101 »
Forget about his bow and arrows- why wait until that sparrow has done his deed when I can just bury him right now 'cause I'm sick and tired of hearing why he wants to have his way with the cock robin!?

Offline Volkodav

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Re: dy031101's Mental Notes
« Reply #442 on: January 02, 2018, 10:33:49 AM »
Tartar and its Mk11 and 13 GMLS was designed to slot into the space occupied by a 5" twin, where you can fit a Mk-13 you can easily fit two 8cell Mk-41s.

The later Mk-26 is an even simpler swap with the 24 round version having the same volume as a 29/32 cell Mk-41 and the 44 round the same as the 61/64cell.

Offline dy031101

  • Yuri Fanboy and making cute stuff practical- at least that's the plan anyway
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Re: dy031101's Mental Notes
« Reply #443 on: September 29, 2019, 08:20:20 AM »
I attempted to make a Shipbucket graph for the Shin Meiwa SS-X a.k.a. Shin Meiwa LA (Light Amphibian), a "40-passenger light amphibian for inter-island feeder service".

Aerial tanker and AEW variants are created for my fantasy world use  ;D

Now I seriously need a bigger boat (seaplane carrier) to launch them.

« Last Edit: September 30, 2019, 01:32:47 AM by dy031101 »
Forget about his bow and arrows- why wait until that sparrow has done his deed when I can just bury him right now 'cause I'm sick and tired of hearing why he wants to have his way with the cock robin!?

Offline dy031101

  • Yuri Fanboy and making cute stuff practical- at least that's the plan anyway
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Re: dy031101's Mental Notes
« Reply #444 on: February 09, 2020, 06:03:10 AM »
I used what little free time I have to revisit my fascination with the underdogs of the F-16 family again......

The People's Liberation Army Air Force's acquisition of the Panavia Tornado ADV long-range interceptors led the air force of the Taiwan-based Republic of China to conclude that their already-aging fleet of the F-104G Starfighters and F-5E/F Tiger IIs are no longer sufficient in the event of a resumption of cross-strait conflict- while not exceptional dogfighters, the Tornados provided the PLAAF with the means to escort their bombers on flanking runs against targets in Taiwan while pre-emptively attacking any ROCAF interception effort from beyond visual-range with their Aspide missiles (the PLAAF chose an Italian radar instead of the British AI.24 Foxhunter).  This, combined with the anticipation of future difficulties in acquiring modern combat aircraft due to the ROC's worsening status in international politics as well as the subsequent desire to buy time for building up an indigenous military aviation industry, prompted the ROC in early-1980s to place what was expected to be a large order for US-made fighters for the last time, in the form of 150 F-16/79s and 150 F-20s.

Despite a protracted negotiation and numerous political close calls, these orders are approved, with the F-16s built to a variant of the Block 15 standard that additionally included a night identification spotlight and the ability to employ the AIM-7F Sparrow missile.  Strike capabilities without external aids were deliberately limited to unguided munitions and the AGM-65B missiles; laser-guided bombs can be employed if supported by forward observers with laser designators on the ground or a F-20B equipped with the AN/AVQ-27 laser target designator set.    As the J79-GE-119 turbojet has less performance restrictions at higher altitudes and because the performance of the F-20 suffers when carrying the AIM-7 missiles, the F-16/79s took over interception missions from the F-104G/J Starfighters whereas the F-20s largely displaced the F-5E/F Tiger IIs in other frontline roles.  These F-16s, like the F-20s, adopted a camouflage scheme derived from the one used on the F-5E/F Tiger IIs.

The ROC is later able to develop an equivalent to the AIM-9L designated TC-1 or the Sky Sword 1 missile, and after France exported the Mirage 4000 to the ROCAF in the wake of Tiananmen Square Incident, the F-16/79s were cleared to use the Magic II within-visual-range missiles that came with the heavy fighters although the TC-1 and AIM-9P remained in common usage.  The AIM-7Fs were supplanted by AIM-7Ms and remanufactured into RIM-7F for use with the Skyguard air defense systems in late-1990s, and the ALQ-184 ECM pods were acquired at the same time.

In mid-2000s the F-16/79s were structurally-rehabilitated and then, in cooperation with the Singapore Technologies Aerospace based on their Falcon ONE project, upgraded at the AIDC with a new cockpit and avionics suite, APX-113(V) Advanced IFF system, new wiring, and a new radar.  In the meantime, the US first approved the release of the AIM-9X and AIM-120C for export to Taiwan and then, 34 years after the sale of the F-16/79 and F-20, approved the ROCAF request for another US-made combat aircraft in the form of the F-16C/D Block 70.  A new ECM pod incorporating Digital Radio Frequency Memory technology is being planned, with the proposal of joining the USAF's ALQ-131 Electronic Attack Pod Upgrade Program seen as the frontrunner.
« Last Edit: December 28, 2021, 12:13:03 PM by dy031101 »
Forget about his bow and arrows- why wait until that sparrow has done his deed when I can just bury him right now 'cause I'm sick and tired of hearing why he wants to have his way with the cock robin!?

Offline elmayerle

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  • Über least that is what he tells us.
Re: dy031101's Mental Notes
« Reply #445 on: February 10, 2020, 05:37:24 AM »
Beautiful!  Just a thought, combine those surplus F-5Fs with the old "three camera" RF-5A nose, replace the radar and guns with the internals of a laser designation pod with the head where the front window of the camera nose was, and use them as "fast FAC' aircraft to designate targets for laser-guided munitions carrying aircraft.

Offline dy031101

  • Yuri Fanboy and making cute stuff practical- at least that's the plan anyway
  • Prefers Guns And Tanks Over Swords And Magic
Re: dy031101's Mental Notes
« Reply #446 on: February 11, 2020, 01:31:21 PM »
Just a thought, combine those surplus F-5Fs with the old "three camera" RF-5A nose, replace the radar and guns with the internals of a laser designation pod with the head where the front window of the camera nose was, and use them as "fast FAC' aircraft to designate targets for laser-guided munitions carrying aircraft.

I'm actually rather partial to Sargeant Fletcher LITE, which mounts a Litening targeting pod section to the forward portion of a F-5 external tank.  Unfortunately I can no longer find a picture of it, and I don't think I am faithfully reproducing its likeness.

(I did not add my name to the attachment because the only thing I did is to change weapons- clockwise starting from upper-left corner: AIM-9X & AIM-120C5 [AIM-120C7, once available, would be issued specifically to F-16/79 units], TC-1 & Magic II, TC-1 & AGM-84L, and TC-1 & GBU-12 & centreline tank-mounted targeting sensors.)
« Last Edit: February 11, 2020, 01:45:07 PM by dy031101 »
Forget about his bow and arrows- why wait until that sparrow has done his deed when I can just bury him right now 'cause I'm sick and tired of hearing why he wants to have his way with the cock robin!?

Offline dy031101

  • Yuri Fanboy and making cute stuff practical- at least that's the plan anyway
  • Prefers Guns And Tanks Over Swords And Magic
Re: dy031101's Mental Notes
« Reply #447 on: February 12, 2020, 02:34:49 PM »

The Falcon ONE project offered a choice of radar between Grifo and APG-66(V)2 (or, in the ROCAF's case, APG-66[V]3 because of the need to be able to utilize the AIM-7 missile until the widespread service of the AIM-120C).

But Grifo would, in my estimation, probably have offered a more-convenient pathway to ultimately having a phased array radar on these F-16s.   From APG-66(V)3 would likely have led to wholesale replacement by the APG-83, and I don't remember ever hearing about any fighter fleet having their radars replaced twice or more...... the Italians, OTOH, might be more-easily-incentivized into coming up with a PESA or AESA antenna option that is either drop-in or requiring only up to moderate modification to the Grifo radar's backend.

Grifo is also advertised as being compatible with the MICA missile (the US won't release the APG-66[V]3's source codes anyway).  Although having a shorter range, the MICA EM is also lighter than the AIM-120C...... having said that, the compatibility being advertised is likely in the interest of the radar being installed in a Mirage 2000; the F-16 would have had to be qualified for making use of it.  The alt.-ROCAF therefore would likely have had to pay out of their own pocket to carry out that qualification- that could have been expensive, and if neither NATO nor UAE would fund the qualification of MICA on the F-16, the alt.-ROCAF probably wouldn't have, either.
« Last Edit: February 13, 2020, 12:25:19 AM by dy031101 »
Forget about his bow and arrows- why wait until that sparrow has done his deed when I can just bury him right now 'cause I'm sick and tired of hearing why he wants to have his way with the cock robin!?

Offline dy031101

  • Yuri Fanboy and making cute stuff practical- at least that's the plan anyway
  • Prefers Guns And Tanks Over Swords And Magic
Re: dy031101's Mental Notes
« Reply #448 on: February 18, 2020, 02:56:46 AM »
While we are still on the subject of the F-16......

The camo (chosen based on a scaled model displayed at TADTE 2019) is an attempt at HAVE GLASS V and total conjecture as to the question if the ROCAF machines will get it or not, as is the triple AMRAAM rack (originally shown in promotion material for the F-21).  But hey, at the very least one can always dream and see how much the real deal is similar to or different from it  ;)
« Last Edit: May 11, 2020, 10:41:37 AM by dy031101 »
Forget about his bow and arrows- why wait until that sparrow has done his deed when I can just bury him right now 'cause I'm sick and tired of hearing why he wants to have his way with the cock robin!?

Offline dy031101

  • Yuri Fanboy and making cute stuff practical- at least that's the plan anyway
  • Prefers Guns And Tanks Over Swords And Magic
Re: dy031101's Mental Notes
« Reply #449 on: May 10, 2020, 09:22:58 AM »

'Made two of last year's Floaties Group Build contestants even more complete.

Now I will go back to fresh projects......
« Last Edit: October 08, 2020, 12:12:52 PM by dy031101 »
Forget about his bow and arrows- why wait until that sparrow has done his deed when I can just bury him right now 'cause I'm sick and tired of hearing why he wants to have his way with the cock robin!?