Recently I have been focused on watching some YouTube videos about a
combat simulation game called DayZ that is a mod of the
Arma 2 series of combat simulation video games. I was considering downloading the game to my computer but it turns out that I have the bare minimum requirements for the video driver and sound cards so until I upgrade that will have to wait.
DayZ focuses on the zombie apocalypse in a small central European country that was part of the former Soviet Union and now an independent nation. In the game there are a variety of vehicles available and one of these is a BRDM-2 armed with the tube launched anti-tank missile that could be the AT-4 Spigot or the AT-5 Spandrel ATGM since it is not specified in the game where I could see it. Anyway, that got me to thinking about the zombie problem and using missiles against zombies might be a bit of over-kill. The standard BRDM-2 with the 14.5mm/7.62mm gun turret would be better but with a turret that has no upper hatch you are stuck under armor unless you dismount the vehicle or go to another hatch on the vehicle to peer out of. So how about a BRDM-2 with some modifications? In this case, an open top cupola would be ideal to give you a 360° field of view. Sourcing such parts would be simple enough and you could use the gunners cupola from the HMMWV or something heavier like the cupola from the M113. Armed with a machine gun and some shields to give you some protection from the hostile players that are not zombies and it would certainly be an improvement over the standard turrets offered on this vehicle.
Anyway, something to think about for a future project.
First thing is always to put a Western-bloc weapon on 'em. 
Some times that works and some times it does not. Depending on the weapon it could be a benefit or a detriment to the vehicle. Armed with any machine gun up to the 14.5mm the BRDM-2 is a nifty looking little vehicle. The turret certainly needs some improvement. Maybe the 40mm/.50" UGWS could work on the BRDM-2? That would give it a very unique look and a viable weapons system to boot.