Modelling > Gunships GB

P-38 killers

(1/11) > >>

Just one day remaining and I will post (the result of my painful thoughts).

This I can't wait to see!

Now is April 1st, Paris Time (and Greenwich?) even if Seattle and Honolulu may still be in March, let's go...

Gunship-Lightning murderers
   Being myself a naïve (stupid?) pacifist, I have considered (as dear Weaver suggested) to draw Non-Lethal-GunShips, firing tennis balls on the shoulders of angry protesters/rioters. But at last I prefer facing my own contradiction: as I love aircraft (and more Spitfire than Dakota, more YF-16 than B.747) I tend to love killing gun-platforms… This forum’s gunship focus is a good occasion to admit it, alas. Here is my dear twin-boom P-38 Lightning equipped with 16 heavy guns, to mass murder a Vietnamese peaceful village classified as suspect (of not loving our civilization, all full of love and freedom as proven here…). :( :icon_sueno: :icon_crap: :-\

With pivoting guns, I think only 8 turrest would be installed, with the fuselage all full of bullets, to murder even more/"better":

And with a touch of asymmetry, a circle of fire would be possible "thanks to" this rotating Lightning (still with 8 guns):


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