Modelling > Gunships GB

Gunships GB: Completed Pixels/Profiles/Stories

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When you've finished your picture, profile or backstory, please post it in this thread in order for it to be included in the voting process.

If there are enough entries in this category, I may consider splitting it into separate profiles and stories threads. Please let me have your thoughts on this in the Rules thread.

In addition to your pictures and/or stories, please post a link to the 'build' threads for them so that people can commnet on them there.

Please DO NOT post comments, questions, critiques or anything else except finished entries on this thread. If you want to comment on a model, please do so on the relevent 'build' thread.

If you want your efforts to be judged in multiple categories, i.e. a physical build and/or a profile and/or a back story, then please post the relevent material in EACH of the relevent 'finished builds' threads. Work will only be entered into voting for the categories in which it's submitted.

I had fun inventing P-38 Lightnings with side-views, like lateral fields of fire, but I don't want to be elected as Nr1 celebrating murder, so I do not compete,  sorry. ???
Anyway, thanks for the organizers, that made me dream in a different direction than usual. ;)

Given that you were the only entrant in the category Tophe, you 'won' by default. You can have a virtual cup with 'Most Reluctant Death Machine Maker' on it if you want.... ;)


--- Quote from: Weaver on June 01, 2016, 05:45:27 PM ---You can have a virtual cup with 'Most Reluctant Death Machine Maker' on it if you want.... ;)

--- End quote ---
No I cannot, I don't want... to win in murder competition... :(
 Just say there is no "real" candidate in the pixel category, so the model contest is the only one here ;)

Sorry Tophe, there's no getting away from the awful truth: you produced more imaginary death machines than anybody else.... >:D


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