Modelling > Black Projects GB

Da Rules!!!

(1/3) > >>

Well folks,  just like in the real world, every once in a while we are pleasantly surprised by announcement of the existence of a "Black Project" coming into the "White World".  And so, just like that, here is a GB with hardly any warning or prior announcement.  The "Black Projects" GB!!! 

Here are the rules (they may self destruct after reading...):

* Have Fun!!!
* As the name says, the theme is "Black Projects" - so anything secretive, stealthy, skunkworks style, black or even just colored black (thus plenty of room for night fighters or SR-71s) get the idea  It also doesn't need to be an aircraft (remember Sea Shadow).
* Any medium is welcomed - so physical models, Pixels/profiles and stories (and anything else if you can think of it) are all welcome.
* Creativity encouraged as is collaboration.
* Duration is 18 Jun 2012 to 31 Jul 2012.  An extension may be granted, but only a short one and only if the Moderator (Ben, aka Taiidantomcat) feels like it.
* There will be prizes! Physical creations and pixels/stories will be judged separately.
* Any questions are to be directed to the Moderator (Taiidantomcat).
* See Rule 1!


As something different, would Black Project Patches such as below be eligible for this?



As in Designs? like Profiles and Pixels? I don't see why not  :)

Cliffy B:
Oooooo, nice choice guys!  As soon as the Falklands GB finishes I'll definitely be in with a few ideas.

BTW...since when was there a rule 3?!  :o


--- Quote from: Cliffy B on June 18, 2012, 07:19:10 AM ---BTW...since when was there a rule 3?!  :o

--- End quote ---

I have plenty of dark thoughts but not sure how I can post telepathic messages :icon_fsm:


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