Author Topic: Ideas and Suggestions for GBs/Themed Builds  (Read 404706 times)

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Re: Ideas and Suggestions for GBs/Themed Builds
« Reply #50 on: December 27, 2011, 04:01:22 PM »
Another candidate for a anniversary GB:  a 50yr Cuban Missile Crisis GB

This could be a relatively quick one:  October 14–28

Could also be expanded to include WWWIII and '60s themes.


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Re: Ideas and Suggestions for GBs/Themed Builds
« Reply #51 on: December 27, 2011, 04:04:55 PM »

My idea (and feel free to disagree...don't mind that I will be recording names ::)) is for the first GB to be themed "Vive la résistance!".  As to what this will include is quite open.  For instance, it could include French Revolution (and all derivatives/extrapolations of...either way), Soviet/communist revolution, maybe even go anarchist like jcf and do "occupy what-if" :leaking: or just about might eene think of it as a revolution against certain elements... :ninja:

I am still keen on this one...
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Offline taiidantomcat

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Re: Ideas and Suggestions for GBs/Themed Builds
« Reply #52 on: December 27, 2011, 11:33:42 PM »
I am still keen on this one...

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Re: Ideas and Suggestions for GBs/Themed Builds
« Reply #53 on: January 02, 2012, 05:04:03 PM »
We could merge all these ideas such as T2K etc along with Red Dawn scenarios etc into one all-encompassing Cold War goes hot/WWIII/Post apocalyptic theme.  Thoughts?

Speaking of this, maybe it could be timed for later in the year to coincide with the release of the Red Dawn remake...
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Re: Ideas and Suggestions for GBs/Themed Builds
« Reply #54 on: January 03, 2012, 02:22:06 AM »
Another candidate for a anniversary GB:  a 50yr Cuban Missile Crisis GB

Neat idea! How about this?

The Soviet flagship from "X-Men: First Class"
But in two weeks? No way!

Diggin' the idea of a WWIII and '60s theme, though.

Both the Cuban Missile Crisis and Falklands Anniversary GBs sound great, but only as full-length GBs.
« Last Edit: January 03, 2012, 02:24:49 AM by ChernayaAkula »

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Re: Ideas and Suggestions for GBs/Themed Builds
« Reply #55 on: January 04, 2012, 03:50:31 AM »
Well we could combine the Cuban Missile Crisis idea and the WWIII/Post-apocalyptic/Red Dawn (and similar ideas - Mad Max???) into the one GB and then start it on the anniversary of the start of the Cuban Missile Crisis (14 Oct) and have it run for a couple of months which also covers the planned release date of the Red Dawn Remake (currently November 2, 2012).

In fact, let's possibly call it an "End of the World as we know it" GB?


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Re: Ideas and Suggestions for GBs/Themed Builds
« Reply #56 on: January 04, 2012, 05:17:38 AM »

I am going to be putting together a poll for the first GB theme shortly.  Please get in any ideas you might like added now!


« Last Edit: January 04, 2012, 06:31:43 AM by GTX_Admin »
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Re: Ideas and Suggestions for GBs/Themed Builds
« Reply #57 on: January 04, 2012, 06:31:03 AM »
Another random idea, perhaps for a simple 1 - 2 week GB themed along the lines of "April Fools" and timed to end on 1st April.  Not sur exactly what this would involve - maybe something focused on subtle whiffs which could be very easily used to fool people into thinking they were real...
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Re: Ideas and Suggestions for GBs/Themed Builds
« Reply #58 on: January 04, 2012, 10:46:16 AM »
Don't know if this has been brought up before but you gave me an idea there Greg with the April's Fools idea; Stump the JMNs GB.  Make your whiff so subtle that you'll have JMNs engaging in heated arguments over its authenticity  :D

Recon and Profiles GBs sound great as well!  I'd say hold two profile builds (to encourage participation in both); one where you make profiles and one where you build a kit using someone's profile as the inspriation.  Cold War/WWIII sounds really cool too.  I'd be game for any and all, providing ships will be allowed  :D
« Last Edit: January 04, 2012, 11:46:32 AM by Cliffy B »
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Offline taiidantomcat

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Re: Ideas and Suggestions for GBs/Themed Builds
« Reply #59 on: January 05, 2012, 12:28:02 AM »
Don't know if this has been brought up before but you gave me an idea there Greg with the April's Fools idea; Stump the JMNs GB.  Make your whiff so subtle that you'll have JMNs engaging in heated arguments over its authenticity  :D

The whiffers amongst us who can pull that off always impress me. I may not be as clever, I would maybe change the mark or variant of a type, but thats not the "real stumper" I would like to get someday... I will get my thinking cap on...

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Offline Brian da Basher

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Re: Ideas and Suggestions for GBs/Themed Builds
« Reply #60 on: January 05, 2012, 08:40:54 AM »
Another random idea, perhaps for a simple 1 - 2 week GB themed along the lines of "April Fools" and timed to end on 1st April.  Not sur exactly what this would involve - maybe something focused on subtle whiffs which could be very easily used to fool people into thinking they were real...

This is a crackerjack idea. Thank you!

Brian da Basher

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Re: Ideas and Suggestions for GBs/Themed Builds
« Reply #61 on: January 06, 2012, 06:28:17 PM »

A non themed build for the first group build here. That way,anyone,know matter what kind of WHIF they build can join in. :)

That is a definite possibility.  Kind of an "Anything Goes" theme.

Playing with this idea a bit further, how about for an "Anything Goes" Themed GB, people simple do their favourite thing (e.g. Brian has Spats, I have UCAVs etc)  I know this might be difficult for some of us - the settling on one idea bit that is.


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Re: Ideas and Suggestions for GBs/Themed Builds
« Reply #62 on: January 07, 2012, 09:05:40 AM »
Another idea...A whiffer's Tiger Meet

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Offline taiidantomcat

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Re: Ideas and Suggestions for GBs/Themed Builds
« Reply #63 on: January 07, 2012, 12:57:09 PM »
Had a few more:

No Guts, No Glory-  Basically building something that has caused apprehension... Like the Fear and trepidation GB 

Bench Clearing Brawl- Finish an already started kit. We all have a few (or 15) kits that need to be finished

Beyond '46-  Kind of having a hard time finding a way to articulate this... Basically a WWII post war thing, but stuff beyond just 1946 and 1947. Japanese ICBMs, German UCAVs, American Mobile SAM on a sherman Chassis. Cruise missiles, fire finder radars, High speed interceptors, Anti Ballistic missile rockets,  Basically taking modern weapons and "going retro"  WWII never ends:

B-25 osprey.  And I know some of this was "on the drawing board" by wars end, and of course that many nations did indeed take this tech and apply to develop the systems that are in use today.  I guess I just want an excuse to make a Radar system on a Panzer chassis...
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Re: Ideas and Suggestions for GBs/Themed Builds
« Reply #64 on: January 07, 2012, 11:44:02 PM »
Another idea...A whiffer's Tiger Meet
I like this idea :)
Jeff G.

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Re: Ideas and Suggestions for GBs/Themed Builds
« Reply #65 on: January 08, 2012, 03:54:09 AM »
Of course the opposite to the April Fool's GB idea posted above is the "Totally Ridiculous" GB.  This would be one where you throw all the rules totally out the window and just be silly.  For an example, a Wright Flyer armed to the teeth with a huge amount of ordanance and attacking aliens...

...for some of you, this will be modelling as normal...


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Re: Ideas and Suggestions for GBs/Themed Builds
« Reply #66 on: January 08, 2012, 04:07:26 AM »
A Profile build - Either a physical model based on an existing profile, or a new profile based on an existing profile

A question about this one (and anyone is free to answer):  Does it provide enough for the profilers out there to do something? 

I can see how it is easy for a Physical model to be created using a profile as inspiration or even for a story to be written to support a profile, but is it acceptable (inspiring enough) for a profile to be created based on another profile or even on a existing physical model?

I ask this since I want to ensure our GBs (and especially the first one) are all inclusive.  That's not to say this one wouldn't - I just want to know how. 

Please offer your suggestions.



P.S. I plan on putting up the Poll for the first GB theme later today, so get your ideas in now.
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Offline Daryl J.

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Re: Ideas and Suggestions for GBs/Themed Builds
« Reply #67 on: January 08, 2012, 10:39:13 AM »
I'd really like to press for an open ended time frame for the Theme Builds.   To me a theme build with a 3-4 month deadline and a group build, with a 3-4 month deadline are nothing more than the same thing.      However a build on, say D.H. Mosquitoes for example, is exactly that, whiffery builds of Mosquitoes.  A clear beginning but a continuing end so-to-speak.  Mosquitoes, done creatively by a creative bunch over the past few years....sheesh...even decade(s??), added to by modelers when and as they can.     It would be a gallery such as those on ARC Air, but inclusive of the builds.     

« Last Edit: January 08, 2012, 03:30:36 PM by Daryl J. »

Offline Brian da Basher

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Re: Ideas and Suggestions for GBs/Themed Builds
« Reply #68 on: January 10, 2012, 12:15:17 AM »
I'd like to toss out the suggestion for a Commercial/Civilian GB. Since many build mostly military subjects, this might be a nice change of pace.

Brian da Basher

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Re: Ideas and Suggestions for GBs/Themed Builds
« Reply #69 on: January 10, 2012, 02:29:00 AM »
I'd like to toss out the suggestion for a Commercial/Civilian GB. Since many build mostly military subjects, this might be a nice change of pace.

Brian da Basher

Sounds good - maybe expand into "swords into plowshares..."


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Re: Ideas and Suggestions for GBs/Themed Builds
« Reply #70 on: January 10, 2012, 02:36:13 AM »
BTW folks, I decided to extend the timeframe for my putting up the GB Poll since we had such an influx of new members over the recent days.  I want to give everyone a chance to post ideas.  I will however put up a Poll by the end of this week with the aim of kicking of the first GB on 1st Feb.


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Re: Ideas and Suggestions for GBs/Themed Builds
« Reply #71 on: January 10, 2012, 06:36:16 AM »
How about a 'How the Other Half Live' GB, where we swap specialities:
The Profilers have to down Mouses (Mice?) and glue something together, and the Plastic Bashers have to put together some convincing profiles?

Offline GTX_Admin

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Re: Ideas and Suggestions for GBs/Themed Builds
« Reply #72 on: January 10, 2012, 03:20:48 PM »
That could be dangerous...and fun...
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Offline Brian da Basher

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Re: Ideas and Suggestions for GBs/Themed Builds
« Reply #73 on: January 11, 2012, 05:17:37 AM »
Here's my profile entry. What do I win?


Brian da Basher

P.S. Oh wait, someone said it has to be "convincing"...
« Last Edit: January 11, 2012, 06:55:22 AM by Brian da Basher »

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Re: Ideas and Suggestions for GBs/Themed Builds
« Reply #74 on: January 11, 2012, 03:57:23 PM »
Well it's convincing...we're just not sure of what exactly...
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