Author Topic: Ideas and Suggestions for GBs/Themed Builds  (Read 404717 times)

Offline GTX_Admin

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Ideas and Suggestions for GBs/Themed Builds
« on: December 13, 2011, 02:32:14 AM »

Please post your ideas/suggestions for new GBs/Themed Builds here.  I want to kick these off in the New Year...which is disturbingly close!

I already have a idea for the inaugural one, but many more ideas are welcomed.



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Re: Ideas and Suggestions for GBs/Themed Builds
« Reply #1 on: December 13, 2011, 02:40:27 AM »
A Profile build - Either a physical model based on an existing profile, or a new profile based on an existing profile
A Scaleorama build.

Re: Ideas and Suggestions for GBs/Themed Builds
« Reply #2 on: December 13, 2011, 03:27:48 AM »
Balkanised Group Build? A country that splits up or is never unified in the first place. A non-united China is a shoe-in for this. Or maybe a secessionist state of Texas? Transvaal etc. instead of South Africa?

Offline Brian da Basher

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Re: Ideas and Suggestions for GBs/Themed Builds
« Reply #3 on: December 13, 2011, 04:21:05 AM »
Great ideas so far. Scale-o-rama is always fun and so are "new" nations.

The profiles idea has me thinking...maybe one for plastic where the model is inspired by a profile and maybe one for the profiles where their work is inspired by a 3D model? The "One Hand Feeds the Other" GB?

Now if we could get Greg to share his idea...

Brian da Basher

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Re: Ideas and Suggestions for GBs/Themed Builds
« Reply #4 on: December 13, 2011, 06:10:55 AM »
Maybe "Swap the role": big bomber scale-o-ramed into fighter, fighter into strategic bomber, civilian into military, military into civilian etc.

Offline GTX_Admin

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Re: Ideas and Suggestions for GBs/Themed Builds
« Reply #5 on: December 13, 2011, 06:21:30 AM »

Now if we could get Greg to share his idea...

Soon my pretties, soon...
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Re: Ideas and Suggestions for GBs/Themed Builds
« Reply #6 on: December 13, 2011, 05:52:51 PM »

My idea (and feel free to disagree...don't mind that I will be recording names ::)) is for the first GB to be themed "Vive la résistance!".  As to what this will include is quite open.  For instance, it could include French Revolution (and all derivatives/extrapolations of...either way), Soviet/communist revolution, maybe even go anarchist like jcf and do "occupy what-if" :leaking: or just about might eene think of it as a revolution against certain elements... :ninja:

As I said though, I am open to other suggestions.


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Re: Ideas and Suggestions for GBs/Themed Builds
« Reply #7 on: December 13, 2011, 05:53:35 PM »
A Profile build - Either a physical model based on an existing profile, or a new profile based on an existing profile

I really like this idea! :)
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Offline GTX_Admin

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Re: Ideas and Suggestions for GBs/Themed Builds
« Reply #8 on: December 14, 2011, 02:46:23 AM »
Another I would like to do later in the year is a Pirate Build!


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Offline Geoff

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Re: Ideas and Suggestions for GBs/Themed Builds
« Reply #9 on: December 14, 2011, 03:51:32 AM »
A Profile build - Either a physical model based on an existing profile, or a new profile based on an existing profile

I really like this idea! :)

Me too.

Offline Brian da Basher

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Re: Ideas and Suggestions for GBs/Themed Builds
« Reply #10 on: December 14, 2011, 04:47:42 AM »
Yes, a "Vive la résistance!" GB is an excellent idea!

I've got some very old Free French markings around here somewhere...

Brian da Basher

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Re: Ideas and Suggestions for GBs/Themed Builds
« Reply #11 on: December 14, 2011, 07:57:42 AM »
A Profile build - Either a physical model based on an existing profile, or a new profile based on an existing profile

I really like this idea! :)

Me too.

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Offline jcf

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Re: Ideas and Suggestions for GBs/Themed Builds
« Reply #12 on: December 14, 2011, 04:26:28 PM »
A notion for a profile GB, for the digital side perhaps use the growing blanks repository as a source?
To whit, profilers would use someone else's blank to create their new works. It would possibly give folks
a baseline for "judging" digital works if we make it a beauty contest with valuable prizes. 


Regards, Jon

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Offline BadersBusCompany

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Re: Ideas and Suggestions for GBs/Themed Builds
« Reply #13 on: December 16, 2011, 03:04:24 AM »
As a suggestion, how about if all the profilers who want to take part in the GB, duly notify the Mods, who in turn pick one persons blank and present it to another to 'colour in'. Then, with the finished profile do the same again with the kit bashers, providing they agree and have the kit/kits?
Prizes for best profile and best build. :slow:
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Offline GTX_Admin

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Re: Ideas and Suggestions for GBs/Themed Builds
« Reply #14 on: December 16, 2011, 02:36:57 PM »
It is doable.


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Offline GTX_Admin

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Re: Ideas and Suggestions for GBs/Themed Builds
« Reply #15 on: December 16, 2011, 02:38:43 PM »
Regardless of what GB theme is chosen, I will be putting up prizes for both the modelling and profiling/story categories.



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Offline Jeffry Fontaine

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Re: Ideas and Suggestions for GBs/Themed Builds
« Reply #16 on: December 17, 2011, 11:00:54 AM »
I would like to propose a T2K (Twilight 2000) group build based on the old board game of the same name. 

Another group build that could be combined with the T2K GB due to very similar theme would be The Morrow Project. 

While I have never played either game, the T2K equipment lists and artwork in the game reference books were an excellent reference resource as well as an inspiration for many of my non-standard ideas over the years. 

The Morrow Project was a bit more tame on the equipment but still contained some interesting equipment based on the Cadillac-Gage V-150 Commando series armor vehicle among other things.  Now that HobbyBoss has produced this vehicle subject in several variants it is ideal for modeling a number of The Morrow Project vehicles. 
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Re: Ideas and Suggestions for GBs/Themed Builds
« Reply #17 on: December 17, 2011, 02:12:36 PM »
I would like to propose a T2K (Twilight 2000) group build based on the old board game of the same name. 


I played that game - the paper RPG "big" version, not the board game version (never knew there was one!) - a LOT during my late teens/early 20s. We even adapted it to play in a LARP style. (LARP for you non-gamers - Live-Action Role Play.

What I never understood is why each game we played was run by someone different acting as gamesmaster... until I did. After running one game, I swore never again. I haven't even /played/ since, and looking back, I wonder what possessed us to spend over an hour just on chargen alone...

That said, the books did have some interesting illustrations for sure. The only one I really remember though is a T-80 of a Soviet unit that had deserted and moved itself to the Queen Charlotte Islands from the BC mainland and dug itself in there, fighting /everyone/ off.
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Offline Jeffry Fontaine

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Re: Ideas and Suggestions for GBs/Themed Builds
« Reply #18 on: December 18, 2011, 02:29:14 AM »
I would like to propose a T2K (Twilight 2000) group build based on the old board game of the same name. 


I played that game - the paper RPG "big" version, not the board game version (never knew there was one!) - a LOT during my late teens/early 20s. We even adapted it to play in a LARP style. (LARP for you non-gamers - Live-Action Role Play.

What I never understood is why each game we played was run by someone different acting as gamesmaster... until I did. After running one game, I swore never again. I haven't even /played/ since, and looking back, I wonder what possessed us to spend over an hour just on chargen alone...

That said, the books did have some interesting illustrations for sure. The only one I really remember though is a T-80 of a Soviet unit that had deserted and moved itself to the Queen Charlotte Islands from the BC mainland and dug itself in there, fighting /everyone/ off.

T2K may have been only a paper game as you describe.  I tend to lump most of the RPG stuff together and call it a board game so that may have been misleading on my part.  I think the other game called The Morrow Project was the same thing, based on paper and not a board game as such.  Never played either, was never into that kind of thing and the only board game I played was in the Army on a very large map board that took up an entire indoor gymnasium in Frankfurt, Germany one year.  I was one of the chosen few that had to command and maneuver paper placard units of the opposing forces attacking a NATO unit (9th Infantry Division) during a MAPEX.  Needless to say it was BORING and not so much fun since it was a military training exercise. 

The assumption that T2K was a role playing game based on a board was apparently wrong in this case.  I now know more about it all thanks to your input.  The illustrations in the books were probably the only thing about it that I found interesting since most of the subjects could be built as models. 
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Offline GTX_Admin

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Re: Ideas and Suggestions for GBs/Themed Builds
« Reply #19 on: December 18, 2011, 03:35:12 AM »
We could merge all these ideas such as T2K etc along with Red Dawn scenarios etc into one all-encompassing Cold War goes hot/WWIII/Post apocalyptic theme.  Thoughts?


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Offline Geoff

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Re: Ideas and Suggestions for GBs/Themed Builds
« Reply #20 on: December 18, 2011, 04:06:08 AM »
We could merge all these ideas such as T2K etc along with Red Dawn scenarios etc into one all-encompassing Cold War goes hot/WWIII/Post apocalyptic theme.  Thoughts?



Works for me.

Offline GTX_Admin

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Re: Ideas and Suggestions for GBs/Themed Builds
« Reply #21 on: December 18, 2011, 04:33:09 AM »
Maybe even title it as the "End of the World as we know it" GB? :kaboom:
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Offline Feldmarschall Zod

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Re: Ideas and Suggestions for GBs/Themed Builds
« Reply #22 on: December 18, 2011, 05:36:34 AM »
We could merge all these ideas such as T2K etc along with Red Dawn scenarios etc into one all-encompassing Cold War goes hot/WWIII/Post apocalyptic theme.  Thoughts?


I can dig it man.(we need a hippy smiley) Would there be only one timeline for this kind of build? For example,1990? or could their be different timelines for a WW III build? Say one person builds something from the early 1950's,as the Korean War spilled into a global conflict?

Then one other builder decides he wants their WW III build to take place in the mid 1980s.
Every time you eat celery,an angel vomits in a gas station bathroom. Tanks rule. I know the load is late,but the voices tell me to pull over and clean the guns.

Offline GTX_Admin

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Re: Ideas and Suggestions for GBs/Themed Builds
« Reply #23 on: December 18, 2011, 05:42:45 AM »
I would be happy with multiple timelines being allowed - what do others think?

Re the "hippy smiley", I figured this covered that one :leaking:...I am sure he is smoking something...
All hail the God of Frustration!!!

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Offline Feldmarschall Zod

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Re: Ideas and Suggestions for GBs/Themed Builds
« Reply #24 on: December 18, 2011, 06:12:46 AM »
I would be happy with multiple timelines being allowed - what do others think?

Re the "hippy smiley", I figured this covered that one :leaking:...I am sure he is smoking something...
Sounds good to me. I do have a few things in the stash for a WW.III/post apocalyptic build. I am building an M41 tank,rearming it with a 90mm,and adding the ladies from resident evil starting in Jan.2012. But it is for another group build at Armorama what if build.
Every time you eat celery,an angel vomits in a gas station bathroom. Tanks rule. I know the load is late,but the voices tell me to pull over and clean the guns.