Impressive work! So much detail when a glance at Google Maps' version of Shikotan shows not a single settlement (not even Malokurilsk) or road.
Thanks - it's a huge help having the old US military topos to work with, these are from 1954 and it cites on it being based off the 1915 Imperial Land Survey maps and 1922 and 1924 USHO charts - looking at satellite views there's precious little trace visible of most of it. It wouldn't be too difficult to figure out where to put settlements, but having the roads and trails marked is a huge help over having to "survey" new routes on maps...
I note that oligarch/ex-KGB/IT guy Eugene Kaspersky called the island "Shikotan – the Kuril New Zealand" in his blog. I kind of like that. In your universe, BC gets a mini-NZ of its very own 
Yeah, my initial thoughs had been that UM is kinda a low-population backwater, well on the whole I've changed that having realised it's more than just a foot in the door of Asia, it's a whole leg... and Shikotan in specific, I figured being so immediately adjacent to Japan would mean a lot of Japanese going to UM under the NSA rules would probably have gone for there. Also it has a history of agriculture, and... yeah. I think the only reason the Kurils are as deserted as they are is because the Soviets took them. So with this new approach Urup is still the relative backwater, Shikotan is the most densely populated, both have around 17,000 but Shikotan is 300/sqmi and Urup is 31.9/sq mi - and 12k of Urup's 17k are in the south in the city of Urup.
What's really interesting is that the northernmost point of Urup is further south than Race Rocks, and yet even Shikotan gets winter sea ice - I suspect those winter-season flights from Shana to Saipan get plenty of passengers looking for some sun!
Google Satellite view does show roads and industrial looking towns. I only spotted one marked helipad but there could be another.
Yeah there are two settlements on Shikotan as it is, Malokurilsk (Shakotan) the bigger one in the north, and Krabozavodskoye (Anama) the smaller one... I wonder if there was more before the big quake of 1994, that did destroy a fair bit on the island, if I've understood things right only one of the fish plants were reopened, two were basically destroyed.