Wow, haven't posted here in six months.
Anyway, recently I animated the AMX-30 for the game CivilizationIII. I thought it looked generic enough that it didn't look Eastern or Western, just generic and gave it camos from a lot of countries. Bet you've never seen it like this.

In case you need map for the camo patterns:
German Ambush, Arab(Iraqi lion of Babylon) yellow, Australia
Chinese BMP-1, Denmark Leo2, German Leo2
Iranian BMP-1, Japan, Modern Russian
Swedish Leo2, United Nations, speculative african woodland.. literally the woodland uniform pattern on a tank.
Argentina, French Brenus, Chilean
Desert, French AMX-30 B2, Greek
Green, Indian T-90, speculative North African Mahgreb
Spanish Leo2E, US Woodland, Venezuela
Sometimes I like to make my tanks in multiple colors.. normally some camo, green and desert. But this time I went a little overboard.