Sorry I haven't been posting more photos of my build, but here is where I currently am at.
In the cockpit I did a little bit of modding, to round off the top of the aft crew members seat, and clean up the radio station. I also added a few small consoles that, in the end don't really show up much. But since I saw them in some images of the full scale plane's cockpit and in other more detailed kits I went ahead and added them. I also tried to separate the headrest for the pilto from his seat as well. One final thing that appears to be missing from the FROG kit is that there doesn't appear to be a control panel for the pilot. It probably won't show much either but I may stilltry and mock something simple up.
Other than that the wing roots went in fairly easily and I filled the gaps with putty. Other than that I am now working on the landing gear. I also want to try and clean up some of th seem lines. After that I need to add the engine, crew, and outer wings. The main hang up there is that I'm still not sure what I am going to do with them. In general I intend to have the right wing extended and the left wing folded, to show what the plane willlook like in either condition. However, I'm still not fully sure how to approach extending the wings.
Option 1m would be to just leave them as unmodified Hellcat wings. They are very similar in areas to the base Vengrance wings, but a little shorter in span. Option 2 would be to just cut off the wing tips and add a small extension (of about two scale feet) but leave the ailerons as is. Option 3 would be to stretch the ailerons along with extending the wing.
If this were a real world conversion I could see that Option 1 would be the easiest conversion, while Option 2 would also seem to be fairly doable. However, eventhough the ailerons from the Hellcat wing appear to be a larger size (but shorter span) than the original Vengenace ailerons, for Option 2, they wouldn't be as close to the ti of the wing as possible and as such may not be as effective as they could be, I'm guessing. As such I'm still leaning towards Option 3, but haven't fully figured out where best to make the cuts yet.