Author Topic: STYNYLREZ primer  (Read 9017 times)

Offline The Big Gimper

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« on: March 11, 2024, 07:31:33 AM »
I stole this post from Facebook. It's a response to STYNYLREZ users who used thinned STYNYLREZ with Isopropyl Alcohol. Which is not required.

[From] Badger Air-Brush Company

This isn't our most positive post ever, and it's not our intention to be a negative nelly, but we hope you'll read the whole thing, realize its context, and understand our reason for posting all of this instead of just saying...please read the instructions for Stynylrez before using it, and please don't add Isopropyl alcohol to it.

We have recently joined reddit because we had been advised of numerous comments regarding STYNYLREZ clogging and gumming up airbrushes.   It's worth noting we found very few recent comments and of the things we did find most went back to before 2021.  But still, we wanted to read the comments and respond as best and helpfully as possible to the issues people were having... even if the issues were from quite a while ago.

The complication in our doing so was that the issues being had were not the result of any STYNYLREZ concern or product issues.  In the vast majority of cases, the issues were with just not reading/following instructions or users thinking they needed to do all the same things they've had to do with other primers that they didn't need to do with STYNYLREZ, and in fact were doing them to the detriment of Stynylrez's performance. 

We mostly found and read negative comments...that 3 sentences into, the commenter proceeds to explain how they thinned STYNYLREZ with Isopropyl Alcohol.  No where in any instructions or usage recommendation have we ever suggested thinning STYNYLREZ with Isopropyl Alcohol.

We know this thinning with Isopropyl Alcohol is something that is often done with other primers to help them work better.  It is not necessary or recommended to do this adding of Isopropyl Alcohol  to Stynylrez. Fact of the matter is... Isopropyl alcohol will more than likely ruin STYNYLREZ.  If you're compelled to thin STYNYLREZ, which really shouldn't be necessary (if you have a proper sized airbrush nozzle and are at the correct air pressure) thin it with good ole H2O.

Anyhow, that's the post for now.  Current STYNYLREZ usage instructions and propaganda are attached to this post.  No matter what your experience level or expertise qualification, please read them.  You should have success with STYNYLREZ and more fun and enjoyment in your finishing experience.

The last paragraph's ending comes from my own experience.  I am not an artist or painter.  The only time I paint is at tradeshows and conventions doing nothing but simple priming of miniature figures.  I have always done these demos with STYNYLREZ and a Patriot 105, and I have always had success and enjoyment... and have actually felt quite proud of myself as a non-artist, non-painter who can prime stuff pretty damn well.  I follow the instructions because I don't know any other way to use STYNYLREZ. 

I suspect if you follow the instructions, you'll have the same success and priming pride as I do.

Thanx for reading.

Take air,
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Offline Frank3k

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Re: STYNYLREZ primer
« Reply #1 on: March 11, 2024, 10:28:36 AM »
I've used denatured alcohol, water or the Vallejo acrylic thinner (which works on just about every water based acrylic paint) with STYNYLREZ. Works great. I've never tried it with Isopropyl. Not all acrylics are the same and some solvents will gum them up (denatured alcohol completely gums up AK Interactive 3rd Gen, for instance).

Offline The Rat

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Re: STYNYLREZ primer
« Reply #2 on: March 12, 2024, 02:52:55 AM »
I use it straight, no problems. It can also be brushed on, works fine.
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Offline The Big Gimper

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Re: STYNYLREZ primer
« Reply #3 on: March 12, 2024, 05:23:13 AM »
I use it straight, no problems. It can also be brushed on, works fine.

I did no know about the brush on technique.
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I am giving up listing them. They all end up on the shelf of procrastination anyways.

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