Author Topic: Humbrol Acrylic Spray Varnish - Doing My Head In!  (Read 13767 times)

Offline Claymore

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Humbrol Acrylic Spray Varnish - Doing My Head In!
« on: August 17, 2023, 01:32:07 AM »
Not sure if this has been covered before, but I would be surprised if it hasn’t. 

I am sick to death with Humbrol acrylic spray varnishes (satin and matt in particular) and their crap finish - both leaving a dusty white residue. I have read many, many times that it is because they put too much matt agent in their product and that it tends to separate out - really?  Why haven’t they changed their mix?

I have always regarded Humbrol as being a classic and trusted company but the number of complaints I have come across makes me wonder. Only a vast amount of time and effort has potentially saved my latest model project from being declared a complete write off thanks to their dreadful product.  I will not be using them again!


Mr Very Pissed-Off of the Highlands! 🤬🤬

« Last Edit: August 17, 2023, 01:41:16 AM by Claymore »
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Re: Humbrol Acrylic Spray Varnish - Doing My Head In!
« Reply #1 on: August 17, 2023, 06:10:32 AM »
Had the same result from bottle Tamiya acrylic paint.

Now that Testors has gone, I stick to tins of Humbrol enamel. :icon_nif:

Offline Claymore

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Re: Humbrol Acrylic Spray Varnish - Doing My Head In!
« Reply #2 on: August 17, 2023, 04:12:59 PM »
I don’t mind their paint although I tend to stick to acrylics - Tamiya for airbrush and Revell for the old hairy stick. It’s Humbrol’s acrylic matt and satin varnish I have the real issues with!
« Last Edit: August 17, 2023, 05:43:55 PM by Claymore »
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Re: Humbrol Acrylic Spray Varnish - Doing My Head In!
« Reply #3 on: August 18, 2023, 12:46:17 AM »
I've been using the AK Interactive Matte Varnish (3rd Gen) as well as their Satin and both work well. The Vallejo Matt Varnish works well, too - although don't mix the AK nd Vallejo; even though they're both acrylics, the chemistries are incompatible.

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Re: Humbrol Acrylic Spray Varnish - Doing My Head In!
« Reply #4 on: August 18, 2023, 12:47:53 AM »
I've been using the AK Interactive Matte Varnish (3rd Gen) as well as their Satin and both work well. The Vallejo Matt Varnish works well, too - although don't mix the AK nd Vallejo; even though they're both acrylics, the chemistries are incompatible.

Good to know this Frank.
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Re: Humbrol Acrylic Spray Varnish - Doing My Head In!
« Reply #5 on: August 18, 2023, 06:55:43 AM »
Bit of a pity the industry standard for so many years has gone off the boil with quality. Sign of the times I suppose. Still have a tin of Extracolour Satin which still works after 20 odd years.

For dead flat  I now use either Testors dullcoat, when I can find it, or the SMS brand of flat which is an acrylic laquer. I have had a couple of occasions where the SMS went a bit whitish, probably due to humidity, but a light over spray of Laquer thinner fixed that up.

For pure acrylic, Gunze still works most of the time... with the priviso of the above, if you get the whitish haze, an over spray will generally fix it.

Offline Claymore

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Re: Humbrol Acrylic Spray Varnish - Doing My Head In!
« Reply #6 on: August 18, 2023, 07:03:31 AM »
Thanks guys, I will try and get my hands on some of your alternative suggestions.

In the meantime, I have placed an order with a new company (to me anyway) down in Manchester for a product called ‘MTN PRO ACRYLIC VARNISH 400ML’ - comes in gloss, satin and matt. Will see what it’s like - half the price and twice the content of Humbrol too… 🤞
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Offline Frank3k

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Re: Humbrol Acrylic Spray Varnish - Doing My Head In!
« Reply #7 on: August 18, 2023, 07:11:19 AM »
Some of the clear flat acrylics - especially Tamiya's - are meant to be "thinned" or mixed with other paint (or clear). Otherwise, you get that dreaded white haze.

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Re: Humbrol Acrylic Spray Varnish - Doing My Head In!
« Reply #8 on: August 18, 2023, 08:52:01 AM »
I share your pain.  I've been whingeing about  Humbrol Matt varnishes for some time now

I'm going to get some of the aforementioned and give them a try

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Re: Humbrol Acrylic Spray Varnish - Doing My Head In!
« Reply #9 on: August 18, 2023, 06:23:25 PM »
I have had a couple of occasions where the SMS went a bit whitish, probably due to humidity, but a light over spray of Laquer thinner fixed that up.

Ah! Good to know! That happened to the TC & mg's on the Ukrainian Merkava, now I know how to fix it! :smiley:

Almost definitely humidity related (& I ignored the signs), as the large grains of salt left on the painting table, after the salt & hairspray adventure in weathering, had become little spots of water overnight.

And I've stopped using Humbrol clear coats of any type because, apart from the matt & satin versions going grainy-white, they all cause the underlying paint to re-liquefy & run (no matter how light the coat).
« Last Edit: August 18, 2023, 06:26:32 PM by Old Wombat »
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Offline Claymore

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Re: Humbrol Acrylic Spray Varnish - Doing My Head In!
« Reply #10 on: August 22, 2023, 01:04:31 AM »
Well, just took delivery of my new acrylic satin varnish rattle can from MTN by Montana Colours (made in Spain) and distributed in the U.K. by SuspectPackageDotCom Ltd in Manchester - 400 ml for £4.94. So, over twice as much as the old Humbrol offering and less than half the price. 

Straight out to the garage to try it out - awesome! Stinks a bit but absolutely no sign of white residue - perfect.  Will definitely use them again. 👍😎👍
« Last Edit: August 22, 2023, 06:22:01 AM by Claymore »
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Offline Robomog

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Re: Humbrol Acrylic Spray Varnish - Doing My Head In!
« Reply #11 on: February 05, 2024, 06:26:41 AM »
Well, just took delivery of my new acrylic satin varnish rattle can from MTN by Montana Colours (made in Spain) and distributed in the U.K. by SuspectPackageDotCom Ltd in Manchester - 400 ml for £4.94. So, over twice as much as the old Humbrol offering and less than half the price. 

Straight out to the garage to try it out - awesome! Stinks a bit but absolutely no sign of white residue - perfect.  Will definitely use them again. 👍😎👍

I second this, tried it on three models using the Matt finish and no problem's whatsoever. It does pong a bit and seems to be quite thick when sprayed on, but keep the faith and  just leave it to dry. It does not dry fully matt but has a slight sheen but I can live with that.

This varnish also works well on home made transfers

It can also be used with a silver finish. When first sprayed on the finish appears to turn light gray but as before keep the faith and it returns to silver,  It does take some of the brightness from the finish but for dull aluminium this is a bonus.

Mostly Harmless...............

Offline Claymore

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Re: Humbrol Acrylic Spray Varnish - Doing My Head In!
« Reply #12 on: February 18, 2024, 06:39:39 AM »
Good to hear as I need to order some of their Matt varnish.  :smiley:
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