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Land / Re: Stalwart - Taking one for the team
« Last post by Frank3k on Today at 11:06:10 AM »
Looks great! Did the forward four wheels turn, or all six? Did AA make them movable?
Kitbash / Frankenstein GB / Re: vbh-17 (véhicule blindé hexapode)
« Last post by Frank3k on Today at 11:04:09 AM »
It looks far batter than what I had planned! Wondering how it could be powered - maybe two electric motors per leg (one for back and forth and the other to bend the leg) plus a big gas engine in the rear hooked up to a generator.

...or magic.
Land / Re: Stalwart - Taking one for the team
« Last post by Kerick on Today at 10:52:35 AM »
So cool! :smiley:
Kitbash / Frankenstein GB / Re: Vengea-Cat
« Last post by Kerick on Today at 10:50:30 AM »
Your build is looking awesome! The paint is coming together.
I just got back from the LHS and not a Hellcat anywhere. Mustangs, Wildcats, Corsairs, Bearcats, P-40s, you name it. I guess it’s Amazon.
Kitbash / Frankenstein GB / Re: vbh-17 (véhicule blindé hexapode)
« Last post by Kerick on Today at 10:44:40 AM »
Where did you get those legs? Cool!
Kitbash / Frankenstein GB / Re: Kitbash / Frankenstein GB - Chat Thread
« Last post by Kerick on Today at 10:43:20 AM »
Between this GB and the one on Whatifmodelers I need to kitbash a bad idea.......

Like a Lancaster with Bristol Perseus engines   ;D
it is nice to able to do a two for one.

Using the lower hull of the Heller Leopard kit is a bad idea. Not in the intention of the GB however.
Kitbash / Frankenstein GB / Re: Vengea-Cat
« Last post by PFJN on Today at 10:31:45 AM »
Thanks for the suggestions.  I'm in the US (DC area).

My next step now is doing a rough markup for the camoflage surfaces.

Kitbash / Frankenstein GB / vbh-17 (véhicule blindé hexapode)
« Last post by Dr. YoKai on Today at 08:01:30 AM »
Merci beaucoup, Frank ;)

 Starting on the first of two-this one based on the Char Cannon FT-17. More commentary later- just a teasing phot for now. ;)
 DSCF1133 by VileDr.Yo, on Flickr
Kitbash / Frankenstein GB / Re: Romeo tris harder (IMAM Ro.67)
« Last post by Dr. YoKai on Today at 07:50:18 AM »
 It's moving along-I decided to go ahead and attach the wing to the fuselage. Smoothing out the fuselage and wing contours will be a lot easier with both of them  The upper wing plates are just about ready to apply.
DSCF1129 by VileDr.Yo, on Flickr

and that in the background? Stay tuned. ;)
Kitbash / Frankenstein GB / Re: Vengea-Cat
« Last post by Robomog on Today at 06:46:58 AM »
I don't know where you are based but you can get prototype makings from Hannants here:-

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