Author Topic: Jo-Han  (Read 3912 times)

Offline ysi_maniac

  • I will die understanding not this world
« on: June 12, 2012, 10:23:01 PM »
I have acquired, but not built, a pair of models from this manufacturer. They look really good.
Is this manufacturer still running?

Offline Alvis 3.1

  • Self acknowledged "Bad Influence"…but probably less attractive than Pink
  • The high priest of whiffing
Re: Jo-Han
« Reply #1 on: June 12, 2012, 10:48:52 PM »
Nope! They briefly returned back in the 90s, only to become embroiled in an ownership issue involving the guy who bought the company and the family members who disputed it. Too bad, they are nicely engineered kits, and were some of the first aircraft kit's I'm aware of that came with variations right in the box.

Alvis 3.1