Late beginning, late final...
It's time for summary of Japan 1946 GB. In "Physical Models" category four models were finished and took part in final poll:
MAT's De Havilland Jet Mosquito PR.1 - 1st place with 13 votes
Buzzbomb's LVT-4 Heavy Mortar Beach Fire Support - 2nd place with 10 votes
Dr.Yokai's Ki-109 Kai - second 2nd place with 10 votes
Robunos's Kawasaki Ki-10-III-KAI Umi Bozu - 3rd place with 5 votes
Congrats guys, outstanding work!
And time for profiles! We had only...one participant here and it's Apophenia who contributed eight profiles, all of them were included in final poll. Results were like below, we had to choose three best profiles:
1. Northrop "Blue Windows" and Martin B-33B - both with 8 votes
2.Republic P-72C-1 Ultrabolt - with 4 votes
3.Manchukuo White Russian Aviation - with 3 votes
So Apophenia , it's sth like our ranking of your great work :) Congrats!
And this sums up Japan 1946 GB. Congratulations for winners and all participants!