Author Topic: Scurvy Industries  (Read 8389 times)


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Scurvy Industries
« on: August 09, 2012, 06:06:31 AM »

Scurvy industries proudly presents the Keelhauler Mk 1.
In order to be a successful pirate one must be able to balance ones time between Figthing, Looting, Wenching and drinking, and repairing and maintaining ones gear so one can survive to enjoy ones booty.
The Keelhauler Mk1 has therefore been designed to minimize maintenance and running costs. It can be configured to carry any number of weapons the customer may prefer and the cockpit can, at individual request, be configured so that the aircraft can be flown with any combination of peglegs, hooks and missing appendices.

Scurvy Industries
Making the Loot Last Longer

Offline arkon

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Re: Scurvy Industries
« Reply #1 on: August 09, 2012, 06:15:24 AM »
nice sales pitch!
the paper gods demand sacrifice

Offline Brian da Basher

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Re: Scurvy Industries
« Reply #2 on: August 09, 2012, 06:16:55 AM »
Your Scurvy Ind. Keelhauler Mk. I is a hoot and a delight, Thiel!
And the design is totally believable, too!

Brian da Basher


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Re: Scurvy Industries
« Reply #3 on: August 09, 2012, 06:35:05 AM »
Your Scurvy Ind. Keelhauler Mk. I is a hoot and a delight, Thiel!
And the design is totally believable, too!

Brian da Basher
I should hope so, it was designed by BAe Kingston/Hawker after all. :D
I just drew the profile and did the paintjob.


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Re: Scurvy Industries
« Reply #4 on: August 09, 2012, 06:36:56 AM »

Scurvy industries proudly presents the Keelhauler Mk 1.
In order to be a successful pirate one must be able to balance ones time between Figthing, Looting, Wenching and drinking, and repairing and maintaining ones gear so one can survive to enjoy ones booty.
The Keelhauler Mk1 has therefore been designed to minimize maintenance and running costs. It can be configured to carry any number of weapons the customer may prefer and the cockpit can, at individual request, be configured so that the aircraft can be flown with any combination of peglegs, hooks and missing appendices. Cutlass and Mug holders are optional.

Scurvy Industries
Making the Loot Last Longer

Offline Weaver

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Re: Scurvy Industries
« Reply #5 on: August 09, 2012, 07:05:55 AM »
Nicely done sir!  8)

...and the cockpit can, at individual request, be configured so that the aircraft can be flown with any combination of peglegs, hooks and missing appendices.

In the spirit of the X-Wing's droid socket, could it perhaps have a perch for a parrot somewhere behind the headrest? ;)

"Bandits at eight! Bandits at eight!"

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"I've jazzed mine up a bit" - Spike Milligan

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Offline ChernayaAkula

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Re: Scurvy Industries
« Reply #6 on: August 09, 2012, 01:27:50 PM »
Good stuff!  :)

In the spirit of the X-Wing's droid socket, could it perhaps have a perch for a parrot somewhere behind the headrest? ;)

"Bandits at eight! Bandits at eight!"
;D Brilliant!

So, Bitchin' Betty has been replaced with Bitchin' Polly or what?

"The appropriate response to reality is to go insane!"


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Re: Scurvy Industries
« Reply #7 on: August 09, 2012, 05:13:05 PM »

Have a prisoner that needs transporting, a wench that needs some aerial wooing or is it simply a two-man job?
Fear not, because we here at Scurvy Industries have just the craft you need. Based on our popular Keelhauler Mk1, the Keelhauler Mk2 offers many refinements including the newly uprated Mk9 Powder Keg engine, the Crusty Eyeball target designator and the new Wench-Carrier Mk7 ejection seat (Parachute optional). Optional extras includes the Loot-Bag Mk2 cargo pods, the Pesky Parrot ejection perch (For our avian friends) and the Howler Monkey 3000 sound system.

Scurvy Industries
Making the Loot Last longer