Here be a Swashbuckling tale from history, me Heartys ...... afore Pirates, ... thar be Vikings !!
ridin' afore the breeze, from a land a Ice n' Green, they be companionable maties on a good day out, yarr ! Sailin' the known Seas n' spyin' out the best lands to profit from & have fun with, aarrrr ! Barbarous, fierce n' cruel warriors they be, clothed in animal-skins n' horned helmets .... wealdin' axes n' swords, an' abringin' Death, Rape n' Global Plunder to inspire us future generations o' freebootin' Seafarers ! yeah !
Targeting the peaceful n' unexpectin' be their specialty -- ships a' bein' long n' Black wiv a fearsome Dragon's head on t' prow, savage designs on t' one big sail ... n' jovial, coloured shields hangin' along the sides ....
Crossin' a great rough sea, their gunnl's awash, they plan t' arrive on a fine day, yaarrr ! Jumpin' inta t' water, theys rush up t' sand to the settlement -- yellin' n' screamin' fer maximum fun, grabbin' any wench, comely or not, along t' way. Smashin' the crops down n' bashin' the house doors in, theys stab, hack n' slash at those inside, takin' what theys fancy .... be it human, animal or shiny treasure o' all sorts .... good clean fun, me Buckos !