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Land / Re: A few 1/35 IFV's and AFV's
« Last post by Ramba on Today at 12:50:04 AM »
New Model Kit News/Reviews / Re: Amusing Hobby
« Last post by GTX_Admin on Today at 12:37:03 AM »

Land / Re: 2025: 60 Years Leopard 1
« Last post by Old Wombat on Yesterday at 05:26:13 PM »
 :smiley: :smiley: 8)
Group and Themed Builds / Re: Ideas and Suggestions for GBs/Themed Builds
« Last post by finsrin on Yesterday at 09:13:06 AM »
GB of first model you can remember building.
If can't find same kit try for one in same scale.  If not available, pick scale to your liking.
Land / Centurion II Mk.3/E
« Last post by raafif on Yesterday at 08:04:09 AM »
Centurion II Mk.3/E

Well, that’s what I’m calling it !  Not sure that I'll proceed with this story even tho I've almost finished the model.  So if this disappears it'll be because I'm dissatisfied with the story line & the model will remain real-world.
Scifi and Fantasy / Re: Ice Rigger
« Last post by Kerick on Yesterday at 06:39:53 AM »
This is looking great! Keep it up.
Scandinavian GB / Re: SAAB Projekt 1500-01 - A 38 Järven
« Last post by finsrin on Yesterday at 05:31:54 AM »
Fine piece of plastic surgery, and a brilliant paint job.  :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:


I'm with Robomog and others.  Love the concept too   :-*
Scifi and Fantasy / Re: Ice Rigger
« Last post by Frank3k on Yesterday at 03:32:09 AM »
The Ice Rigger looks good! The hull looked familiar; I think it's from the ancient 1/350 Gorch Fock/Eagle training ship although it looks better in 1/144 or N scale for this build.
Land / Re: 1/35 M-41 Waffle
« Last post by Kerick on Yesterday at 03:28:12 AM »
Looking good. This keeps giving me ideas.
Progress is progress! This is looking great!
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