Current and Finished Projects > Scifi and Fantasy

Dune Ornithopter - 3D Print


Found this Card type model on Thingiverse and the images made it look more 3 dimensional than most Card models There are other options on there as well, but this tweaked my interest.

My first couple of attempts to get it to print failed, for various reasons, so I got a buddy to check print and this is his run, in black, which sucks a lot as far as photos go. This run is also in low res.

Some instructions are provided at the original Printable posting and these, well guidelines and fairly loose at that. So went at it and it really did not take that long.
I did find that the location slots and/or the tabs needed some filing/sanding in almost every case. Once done the guidelines get you on the way

Construction done

I might try and print again in a finer mode and then continue it through. With a bit of work and extra detailing up, this could possibly turn out alright.
This scales out to around 1/72 I reckon

It helps that the vehicle is made from mostly flat planes.

I used these measurements from the RPF to calculate the scale: My estimation is - full length (nose to end of fuselage) is 23.2m, wingspan (from the fuselage center) is 26.4m, Height is around 4.7m

So your model looks like it's closer to 1/144.

Then there is this.. which really, outside of price makes all this redundant ;D

Just announced
Meng 1/72 Ornithopter

I want in 1/48 or 1/35


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