With wheeled vehicles, you lose substantial amounts of hull volume because of the turning requirements of the wheels, to turn the vehicle. You can counter that by using skid steer like the AMX-10RC does, however, that comes at substantial costs in the tyres needing to be frequently changed because of the amount of rubber they lose with each turn. The British experimented with a skid-steer vehicle, the 6x6 Rhino and decided against it, when they were developing the Saracen/Saladin. Apparently it provides a wild ride but economically doesn't make much sense. I remember watching the local RAEME Squadron playing with their old Saracen "recovery aide". It's turning system was shot so the only way they could get it around corners was to skid steer. No one was allowed to ride in it but watching from outside was scary enough.
So, unless you have a substantial loss of hull volume, you shall need to skid steer it, Greg.