Hope everyone's week is getting off to a good start wherever you are!
A few images of progress on the F-105 model. I was on vacation with my family last week and just began working on it again a couple days ago. I was able to cut the air brakes from the fuselage and made them a different color to better distinguish them from the rest of the fuselage:

I also modeled some of the detail on the inboard side of the air brakes. Not every detail, but enough to suggest the "stepped" construction on the inboard side. The rest of the detailing will be done in texture, with each air brake object, when I get to that point.

I also changed my lighting a bit so I can better evaluate what I'm doing.

It won't likely be very visible, but I also started modeling the engine exhaust nozzle:

I'll probably handle any further details on this part with textures since the part will rarely be seen. As you can see in the last image, I chamfered the edges of the horizontal stabilizers where they join with the fuselage. This helped define them a bit more, instead of just looking like they totally blended into the fuselage. I have more work to do in the area where they pivot, which should be interesting. Next big thing to work on should be the arresting gear. I'm waiting on some images from a friend of some actual F-105 arresting gear to use as reference. Hopefully can start working on that tomorrow.