Author Topic: Australian Model Expo 2015 Whiffer Category Imagineering  (Read 4126 times)

Offline Buzzbomb

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Australian Model Expo 2015 Whiffer Category Imagineering
« on: February 11, 2015, 01:21:44 PM »
The Australian Model Expo is still a few months off yet, but this year there is a whiffers Category called Imagineering. 8)
One of the local vendors is sponsoring the category (HobbyHq) and is looking for models which are kitbashed, heavily converted, not so much the WWII paper projects that are kits, etc etc.
Well thats the sort of vibe.
So local Oz Modellers please support the category so it sticks around


Brian T

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Re: Australian Model Expo 2015 Whiffer Category Imagineering
« Reply #1 on: February 11, 2015, 01:28:45 PM »
Brian, I'll be home permanently from Sunday.

However, I have no idea if I'll have any time off in early June, or even if I'll be able to afford to go, but I'll try!

If I do, I'll try to bring over the C-119T dio, the B-P/W Defender &, if I've it finished in time, the HMBLT.

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