Current and Finished Projects > Sea

U-212 Raider

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My story with the 212 is one of love-at-first-sight. Never found plans of it save from some scraps of cross section examples that I used as a reference to guesstimate the shape of my hull and conning tower, so expect some inaccuracies, all my fault. I'm no engineer, architect or draftsman. I went the static model way because of my background, and the fact that, living near the coast, I have no safe-to-use ponds nearby to try my hand at R/C my sub. Besides, I lost my truck for longer drives to suitable places to the ex-missus (but I got the airbags).

I started placing my 3-views and guesstimated cross-sections (upper and lower hull, for my convenience) and cut them on cardboard. Must be an artistic vein surfacing in my middle-to-mature-years, but I like to build with whatever I have at hand. Filled the voids with packing EPS and sanded away, to reveal the long-awaited hull-form emerge from the misshapen bulk (kind of an "It's Alive!!!" moment).

What you see then is the recently mud-covering test over the naked hull. Next will be conning tower, tail and props, and my chickenscratchin', er, scribing. It's 46 cm long, some 1:120ish scale. I've settled for 1:200 on my future ones.

This one will be a littoral raider, since I plan to pose it with a tower-mounted Rheinmetall-Mauser RMK-30 recoilless 30 mm gun for surface warfare as the one in the Muraena project of which I post images also.

Also on my list, the easy(IMO) ones:
Visby Corvette
USS Freedom LCS-1
USS Independence LCS-2
Skjold SES
T-craft SES/Hovercraft (Alion Design or Textron)
Textron HCAC
LPD-17 San Antonio Class
Yes I'm a stealth buff. And from my upbringing, an austere-port or no-port fellow

Hope you like,


Cliffy B:
I'm liking where this is going, please continue sir  8)

Hola Rafa,

As always, your scratchbuilding is a joy to watch.

Magnifico, mi pana.




--- Quote from: Maverick on August 16, 2012, 09:16:55 AM ---Hola Rafa,

As always, your scratchbuilding is a joy to watch.

Magnifico, mi pana.



--- End quote ---

Wot he said.

Excellent choice Rafael  :)  And the RMK 30 is a fascinating bit of kit too!


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