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Land / Re: North Vietnamese 8.8 cm Flak 18
« Last post by Frank3k on Yesterday at 06:10:39 AM »
Interesting project. I did a quick print on my FDM printer - the B52 is scaled to 1/2500; I think it's a bit too big compared to the picture, but it's yours if you want it. Some prmer, a quick pass with a blade and it'll look right:

Land / Re: Claymore's AH AFVs: Take 2
« Last post by Claymore on Yesterday at 04:51:02 AM »
Thanks mate!  :smiley:
Profiles and Pixels / Re: Litvyak's profiles
« Last post by Litvyak on Yesterday at 04:25:14 AM »

So a bit of a teaser of a work in progress... figuring out how to do terrain the way maps do, cuz I want to do a BCAA road map of Utari Mosir, figured the smallest uninhabited island would be a good place to try my hand... this is Broughton Island (aka ostrov Broutona/остров Броутона aka Buroton-tō/武魯頓島), northernmost island of Utari Mosir. Got all the ridge lines in, and doing the shading on the east side of Mount Broughton, side by side with the RW topo map... I think I'm on the right track?

I'll tell you right now, though, this is going to be a decidedly long term project!
Land / Re: Side Projects - Greyhound and Brit Weapons Carrier
« Last post by Buzzbomb on Yesterday at 04:17:52 AM »
Or a mortar  ;)
As the add of the days of yore said... not so squeezy.

The venerable Italeri US 81mm mortar finally gets a run.

Now both Mortar carriers

I had both the Riich Models set of Brit weapons which had a  mortar and the Resicast 3 Inch Mortars, so a side by side comparison.

it will be one of these and orientation of forward vs aft facing mortars is in tinker mode as well.
Not totally discounted the Flak 38, probably slightly modded a bit more, but after the last session, it could be headed back to the box 'o bits.
it does fit nicely in the Quaddy Weapons carrier, but that has all been done before.

Land / Re: North Vietnamese 8.8 cm Flak 18
« Last post by Buzzbomb on Yesterday at 03:55:30 AM »
Ok.. this has lots of merit. Plus I learned stuff  ;)
Land / Re: Claymore's AH AFVs: Take 2
« Last post by Buzzbomb on Yesterday at 03:53:59 AM »
March forward. You will find it very useful. I am in the elegoo camp, but same difference as far as it all goes. FDM does have its limitations and the output is not as finessed as resin printers, but nonetheless you can use it to make some very useful gadgets for modelling and bits and pieces for builds... take the Arctic BTR I did for the Plowshares GB, that used a 3D printed component

Even coming from an IT background and of the same vintage as you,  the software can be a bit confusing, I am still working things out at tweak level.
The 3D Printing thread on here has some great tips from Frank and others
Other / Re: Just some cool photos...nothing more, nothing less...
« Last post by GTX_Admin on Yesterday at 03:04:54 AM »

Other / Re: Just some cool photos...nothing more, nothing less...
« Last post by GTX_Admin on Yesterday at 03:04:23 AM »

Other / Re: Just some cool photos...nothing more, nothing less...
« Last post by GTX_Admin on Yesterday at 03:03:55 AM »

Other / Re: Just some cool photos...nothing more, nothing less...
« Last post by GTX_Admin on Yesterday at 03:03:25 AM »

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