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New Global Moderators and some other changes

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Hi folks,

I want to announce some changes happening within the BTS leadership team.  With effect immediately, there are two new Global Moderators:

* The Big Gimper (aka Carl)
* Taiidantomcat (aka Ben)
In addition, some of you may notice that one of our original Moderators/members, Jon (aka JCF), has decided to devote himself to other activities for a while.  Jon is focussing on a number of things in his personal life at the moment and thus will be unable to focus on BTS Moderating.  I must emphasise that Jon's decision has not been the result of any disagreements within the leadership team or similar.  In fact, we all still think of Jon as an extremely fond friend and integral part of BTS. His decision has come as a shock to all of us.  He was part of the original discussions that led to the creation of BTS, has been instrumental over the years in the site maintenance and moderation and will always be welcomed here.  Moreover, many of us are still keeping in touch with him outside of the BTS forums.

Anyway, enough of that, please join me in congratulating our two new Global Mods...and beware:  one of them may have a weird way of enforcing the rules - I'll let you guess which one... ;)

Congrats guys

and Jon,  don't be a stranger ----

Best wishes Jon.  :)

Congrats to the new guys.

If they want any of my kits, they'll have to pry them from my cold, dead hands!

Seriously, though, congrats to our new interwebz overlords!

Well, after a short interlude, Jon has decided to rejoin us (Damn! And here I was hoping for a little less sharing the limelight...ah, well.)  Ben and Carl, will remain as Global Mods to keep and eye on Jon...amongst other things.


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