Author Topic: IPMS Nationals 2020  (Read 11412 times)

Offline Dr. YoKai

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IPMS Nationals 2020
« on: January 09, 2020, 04:25:08 AM »
 Seeing Frank's retirement thread reminded me - the IPMS Nationals will be just down the road from me in San Marcos, Texas. I normally
make it to the Austin show every year, but this is too good to pass up as it will only be about an hour away.
Here's the official link:

Offline elmayerle

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Re: IPMS Nationals 2020
« Reply #1 on: January 21, 2020, 01:24:20 PM »
That's just a few hours down the road from me, right tempting, that.  <quizzical look> I think it would be a four hour, or so, drive down I-35 and, as much trouble as flying is for me (getting cooled meds through TSA is always a pain), driving is rather more tempting.
« Last Edit: January 21, 2020, 01:28:22 PM by elmayerle »

Offline philp

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Re: IPMS Nationals 2020
« Reply #2 on: January 26, 2020, 05:07:18 AM »
I will be there.  About a 20+ hour drive for me but that gives me the opportunity to stop at a few places along the way and bring more stuff with me than flying.

Besides, I am the new 1st VP so I kinda have to go.

Offline Buzzbomb

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Re: IPMS Nationals 2020
« Reply #3 on: February 24, 2020, 09:51:40 AM »
I sooooo wanted to come over this year as I have not done the US Nationals yet. I am being conspired against (coronavirus pandemic aside) by the other half and few other events. Not totally dead, but the trip is certainly on life support.

I have drawn a line in the sand for Las Vegas 2021 as the event to get to.

Dr Yo.. it would have been great to see you again.

Offline Buzzbomb

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Re: IPMS Nationals 2020
« Reply #4 on: March 02, 2020, 04:46:56 PM »
Hang, there is a blip on the monitor.  :o

Some changes in plan here may have opened the gate to actually getting over this year. Plotting resumes

Phil, I think I have met you at Wonderfest many years back.

Offline Dr. YoKai

  • Was in High School when mastadons roamed the plains...
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Re: IPMS Nationals 2020
« Reply #5 on: May 05, 2020, 08:21:05 AM »
 The IPMS webpage still says they're going ahead - last update was April 26th. I confess I am increasingly skeptical that this will actually happen, or even that it should, much as I'd regret missing it.

Offline Buzzbomb

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Re: IPMS Nationals 2020
« Reply #6 on: May 07, 2020, 09:05:17 AM »
Agreed, I am now pretty much sure leaving the country will be a no go so will not head over. More is the pity, I hope the guys pull it off.
We cancelled our biggest show here in Australia scheduled in early June before having to pay costs that would not be recoverable the venues.

I have pencilled in the 2021 Show in Las Vegas, or so the web tells me, as a viable alternative.

Offline The Big Gimper

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Re: IPMS Nationals 2020
« Reply #7 on: June 13, 2020, 06:31:38 PM »
Via Facebook.

June 10 at 10:08 PM · Southlake, TX, United States

Just got the "cleared hot" to transmit from the Texas IPMS guys that are hosting the IPMS Nats this year.
Behold the 2020 IPMS Nats Decal sheet. Texas themed of course!
- 1/72 and 1/48 T-45 Goshawk markings (TW-2 Kingsville, TX)
- 1/24 scale generic Texas Department of Public Safety Markings
- USS Texas/Enterprise Markings

Thanks to Rob Booth for the assist on pulling the subject matter together for this years sheet!

I'll upload the instruction sheets when they get done. Diggin/ that T-45!!!!

Work in progress ::

I am giving up listing them. They all end up on the shelf of procrastination anyways.

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