Author Topic: Scale ACT '19  (Read 7176 times)

Offline FAAMAN

  • 'bin building for years ....... and it feels it!
  • Always thought of himself as a 'straight' modeller
Scale ACT '19
« on: January 06, 2020, 01:19:17 PM »
Held in Canberra at the UC High School hall over the weekend 09-10November 2019 by ACT Scale Modeller's Society.

With approx 650 models on display from most disciplines, there was something there for all tastes, including huge 1/6 scale armour and displays  :smiley:

As you guys already know I entered some of my models and scored a second place with one.

I thought I'd show the Whiffs that were on display, although some were not displayed nor judged with the Wiff section, including a class winner.

First off at the front door,
20191109_131714cropS by Neil, on Flickr

The Whiff section,
20191109_133130cropS by Neil, on Flickr

20191109_133149cropSwiff by Neil, on Flickr

The Gold medal Whiff
20191109_133155cropSwiff by Neil, on Flickr

Some Armour,
20191109_133210cropSwiff by Neil, on Flickr

20191109_133203cropSwiff by Neil, on Flickr

Robot thingy,
20191109_133159cropSwiff by Neil, on Flickr

In 48th Jets, wearing Oz Navy Sea Fury markings,
20191109_133732cropSwiff by Neil, on Flickr

The Gold medal warship, a Whiff H-39 battleship (???),
20191109_133933cropS by Neil, on Flickr

And this warship dio,
20191109_135002cropSwiff by Neil, on Flickr
20191109_135010cropSwiff by Neil, on Flickr
20191109_135006cropSwiff by Neil, on Flickr

The scale standouts for me was the Airfix 1/24 Hellcat done superbly . . . . . . . .
20191109_132237cropS by Neil, on Flickr
20191109_132246cropS by Neil, on Flickr
20191109_132345cropS by Neil, on Flickr
20191110_133017S by Neil, on Flickr
20191110_133032cropS by Neil, on Flickr
20191110_133010S by Neil, on Flickr

A M.A.N. semi trailer with a drought relief load for farmers here in OZ featuring a scratch built trailer and load . . . . . . . .
20191109_141254cropS by Neil, on Flickr

A scratch built Gribovsky G-10 in 1/48 scale . . . . . . . .
20191109_140336cropS by Neil, on Flickr

And a dio from the youngest entrant, all of seven years old and a modeller in the making (just read the text from his Dad)  ;)
20191109_140426cropS by Neil, on Flickr

This is a link to my Flickr Album for the show that I finished uploading 650 or so photos to last night:
There are 7 pages total in the album, I hope you can find your own faves and simply enjoy  ;)

Regards all  :icon_beer: :icon_beer:
FAA  8) 8)

"Resistance is useless, prepare to be assembled!"