2019 Clear Your Workbench Group Build
Come all you professional procrastinators, serious slow builders, and exemplary experts of the 1/1024, 1/512, 1/256, 1/128, 1/64, 1/32, 1/16, 1/8, 1/4 and 1/2 completed projects.
This will be THE year (just like the year before this one and the one before that one and other ones as well ) to finish those projects.
The Rules:
- Have fun!!
- Any project is allowable, so long as it is already started and not yet complete - that is the purpose of this group build after all.
- Physical models, profiles, stories are all allowed.
- Projects for other Group Builds that are not completed in time will automatically be nominated for here - no trying to hope everyone forgets what you were doing or the fact that you were too slow to finish.
- The Group build runs for the entire of 2019 and will officially close 31 Dec 2019 - the goal is to finish the projects by the end of the year.
- Moderator will be The Big Gimper. As always, bribes are welcomed. Money and Food are good places to start.
- Have fun, clear out the shelf of doom and finish something!!!